Photographic subjects, directing of, 11-26
group pictures, 11-26
individual pictures, 11-26
Photographs, forwarding of, 12-26
Photography, basic, 11-1
Photography job orders, 11-42
Photography, sports, 12-24
coverage planning, 12-4
recording cutline information for, 12-26
researching, 12-25
special considerations, 12-25
Photojournalism, basic, 12-1
coverage elements, 12-2
coverage planning, 12-4
history of, 12-2
types of news photographs, 12-3
Photojournalism, creating good photographs, 12-9
action, 12-19
balance, 12-15
camera angle, 12-14
compositional lines, 12-15
depth perception, 12-18
forms, 12-16
framing, 12-14
leading lines, 12-12
point of interest, 12-11
rhythm or pattern, 12-18
rule of thirds, 12-12
security and safety considerations, 12-20
simplicity, 12-11
Picture story layout, 8-25
body, 8-29
headlines, cutlines and text, 8-29
lead and last picture, 8-29
number of pictures, 8-29
picture direction, 8-29
Picture story, types of, 12-20
technical requirements, 12-24
Printing, layout and makeup, 8-1
Privacy Act, the, 10-7
releasable information, civilian, 10-7
releasable information, military, 10-7
Rejection printing, 11-36
enlargers, 11-36
making enlargement prints, 11-37
Proofreading, 8-29
galley proofs, working with, 8-29
proofreaders marks, 8-30
Proofreading symbols chart, 6-5
Public Affairs Office operations, 16-1
administrative areas, 16-4
Naval letter, the, 16-2
Punctuation in newswriting, 6-10
Quote-summary method, 3-10
Quotes, 3-10
use of in speech story, 3-10
use of in sports story, 3-15
Radio, 13-1
copy format for, 13-3
basic elements of, 13-1
newswriting for, 13-2
radio writing techniques, 13-1
Radio announcing, 13-17
announcer responsibilities, 13-20
delivery, 13-18
preparing copy, 13-17
Radio control room equipment, 13-25
audio console, 13-25
audiotape cartridge machines, 13-27