Figure 9-13.Sample headline schedule.
The chart gives the minimum-maximum unit count
for each line based on the number of columns the line
stretches across. Each headline listed on the chart is
often given a key, or code, that tells the printer the name
of the type style and the number of columns the headline
covers. As shown in figure 9-4, a headline with a key
A5 would indicate a headline set in a 60-point type
style called Tempo Bold Reg., which has a
minimum-maximum unit count of 23-26 stretched
across five columns (the number indicated in the AS"
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Detail the methods
used in gathering material for cutlines and
identify cutline components, typography,
layout and datelines.
Photographs have a unique storytelling ability. They
are most effective when accompanied by some
explanatory text.
A missile launching may make an exciting
photograph, but it fails as a news vehicle unless the
reader understands the when, where and why of the
photograph, as well as the more obvious what and how.
The function of providing information the photo-
graph does not furnish is performed by the photographs
cutline, also known as a photo caption. A cutline
supplements the photograph by explaining action,
naming people and giving background information.
The cutline writer is normally a middleman, who
takes a photograph (which is inflexible) and adds the
cutline (which is flexible) and comes out with a story.
The cutline writer determines what additional
information must be given to communicate the story the
photograph is meant to tell.
Cutline writing is a specialized form of news-
writing. It answers the same basic questions as the news
story. Yet, it does this in a single, concise paragraph. The
cutline writer must be alert to answer any questions the
photograph may arouse in the readers mind.