Navy journalist, theContinued
Navy Enlisted Classifications of, 1-3
personal traits, 1-2
Navy news, gathering and disseminating, 7-1
Navy news release, standard 7-8
numbering system, 7-10
timing of releases, 7-8
News conferences, 7-10
News elements, 2-1
basic, 2-1
identifying dominant, 2-3
News peg, 2-3
News sources, types of, 7-1
future file, 7-2
special contacts, 7-2
written communications, 7-1
News stories, 2-1
classes of, 2-4
elements of, 2-1
straight, 2-10
Newspaper design, 8-6
blueprint, the, 8-7
borders, 8-18
copy fitting, 8-9
cropping, 8-9
dummy, the, 8-6
initial letters, 8-18
ornaments, 8-18
scaling, 8-13
typography, 8-16
Newspaper design concepts, 8-19
Newspaper formats, 8-6
Newspaper front-page patterns, 8-31
contemporary patterns, 8-33
traditional patterns, 8-33
Newspaper makeup, elements of, 8-21
flags, 8-22
headlines, 8-22
masthead, 8-22
nameplate, 8-21
page personality, 8-25
pictures, 8-23
rules, 8-24
Newswriting, broadcast copy, 13-2
Office operations, PAO, 16-1
Offset lithography, 8-1
photo-offset artwork 8-2
photo-offset copy, 8-1
Patterns, newspaper front page, 8-31
contemporary patterns, 8-33
traditional patterns, 8-33
Personality feature, 3-7
Photographic falters, 11-16
color photography filters, 11-18
filter designations, 11-17
purpose, 11-16
special-purpose filters, 11-19
use in black-and-white photography, 11-18
Photographic lighting, 11-11
electronic flash lighting, 11-14
existing light, 11-13
outdoor lighting, 11-11
Photographic process, 11-1
camera 11-1
film, 11-1
film processing, 11-1
photographic paper, 11-3
printing devices, 11-3