Basic newswritingContinued
Abbreviations, in newswriting, 6-13
Accident story, the, 3-17
casualty lists, 3-18
casualty name releasing policy, 3-19
structure of, 3-18
Administrative areas, 16-4
Advance stories, 5-1
follow-ups and rewrites, 5-1
rules for, 5-1
structure of, 5-1
AFRTS program materials, 13-32
radio, 13-32
television, 14-41
Attribution, 3-12
use in speech story, 3-12
use in sports story, 3-12
Audiotape editing, 13-29
Authority for release of Navy news, 7-7
Basic newswriting, 2-1
ABCS of journalism, 2-7
straight news story, the, 2-10
tie-backs, 2-16
tie-ins, 2-17
Biographies of command and flag officers, 16-10
Bridge, the, 2-16
Broadcast copy, mechanics of, 13-10
administrative information for, 13-11
body, 13-9
editing of, 13-13
leads in, 13-8
punctuation, 13-10
sentence length, 13-8
tenses, 13-8
Broadcast copy, structure of, 13-6
Camera, single-lens reflex, operating, 11-6
activating light meter, 11-8
focusing, 11-7
holding, 11-7
loading, 11-6
setting aperture control, 11-8
basic news elements, 2-1
setting film speed, 11-8
body, the, 2-17
setting shutter speed: 11-8
bridge, the, 2-16
unloading, 11-8
dominant news elements, identification of, 2-3
Camera, single-lens reflex, 11-3
inverted pyramid style, 2-11
accessories for, 11-10
language of, 2-8
controls and indicators, 11-5
lead, the, 2-11
inspecting and maintaining, 11-9
news peg, 2-3
lenses and apertures, 11-6
news story classes, 2-4
operating, 11-6
news style vs. literary English, 2-6
Cameras, television, 14-1
spot and created news, 2-4
Capitalization, in newswriting, 6-12