Developing roll film, tank method, 11-29
Disseminating Navy news, methods of, 7-8
advance releases, 7-11
background briefings, 7-10
feature releases, 7-11
interview, 7-10
news advisory, 7-10
news conferences, 7-10
personal appearances, 7-11
spot news announcements, 7-10
standard Navy news release, 7-8
Editing, videotape, 14-35
Equipment inventory, 16-20
Equipment maintenance, PAO office, 16-17
Exclusive stories, 16-14
Exposure calculation, 11-20
camera settings, 11-23
depth of field, 11-24
measuring exposure, 11-22
theory, 11-20
Feature story, the, 3-1
feature writing skills, 3-2
news peg in, 3-2
personality feature, 3-7
structure, 3-4
FHTNC materials, processing of, 17-4
deployment story, 17-9
FHTNC form, 17-4
hold file, 17-8
letter of transmittal, 17-7
photographs, 17-1
run and return stories, 17-11
FHTNC materials, processing ofContinued
sending stories by message, 17-9
updating hold file, 17-9
Fleet Home Town News Center, 17-1
clients, 17-1
promoting the program, 17-4
story categories, 17-3
surveys, 17-3
Focal point, 8-18
front page, 8-18
inside pages, 8-19
Follow-up story, 5-1
reader considerations, 5-3
structure of, 5-3
Freedom of Information Act, the, 10-8
agency records, 10-8
request format, 10-8
time limits, 10-9
Galley proofs, working with, 8-29
Gathering and disseminating Navy news, 7-1
Headlines, 9-1
evolution, 9-1
fitting method, 9-10
forms, 9-3
functions, 9-2
schedules for, 9-10
styles, 9-2
variants, 9-4
writing skills for, 9-6
Headlines and cutlines, writing of, 9-1
Headlines, 8-22
as design element, 8-22
as picture story element, 8-29