Casualty lists, in the accident story, 3-18
releasing policy concerning, 3-19
Character generators, television, 14-17
Command histories, 16-10
command and flag officer biographies, 16-10
command histories, 16-10
command presentation, 16-9
command welcome information, 16-9
files, 16-4
Command presentation, 16-9
Contact printing, 11-32
contact printers, 11-33
contact printing procedures, 11-33
Control room equipment, radio, 13-25
Copy editing, common sentence structure errors, 6-17
dangling modifiers, 6-18
errors in noun clauses, 6-20
errors in agreement, 6-20
gerunds, 6-20
misplaced-correlative conjunctions, 6-19
run-on sentences, 6-18
sentence fragments, 6-18
split infinitives, 6-19
Copy editing elements and usage, 6-6
abbreviations, 6-13
capitalization, 6-12
contradictions, 6-7
editorializing, 6-6
incompleteness, 6-7
military terms, 6-15
names, 6-8
numbers, 6-8
punctuation, 6-10
religious terms, 6-16
spelling, 6-9
style, 6-6
Copy editing message releases, 6-20
Copy editing procedures, 6-1
applying basic rules, 6-3
copy editing symbols chart, 6-5
preparing the rough, 6-2
using symbols, 6-2
Copy format, for radio, 13-3
Copyright, 10-9
availability, 10-11
duration, 10-15
government publications, use of, 10-10
infringement, 10-10
limitations, 10-10
notice of, 10-12
ownership, 10-11
publication, 10-12
publications incorporating government works,
registration, 10-14
securing of, 10-11
Cropping artwork in newspaper design, 8-9
Cutlines, 9-11
captions, 9-16
components of, 9-14
gathering information for, 9-13
layout of, 9-17
typography for, 9-16
Darkroom techniques, 11-28
equipment, 11-29
photographic solutions, 11-28
Datelines, 9-17
Depth of field, in photography, 11-24
Desktop publishing, 8-4
software for, 8-5
strengths and weaknesses, 8-4