Television studio production team, 14-8
audio switcher, 14-12
camera operator, 14-9
director, 14-12
floor manager, 14-10
talent, 14-9
video switcher, 14-12
Television visuals, 14-14
aspect ratio, 14-14
character generators, 14-17
preparation of, 14-18
technical requirements, 14-14
t y p e s o f , 1 4 - 1 6
Tours, 16-16
Videotape editing, 14-35
basic procedures of, 14-39
formats, 14-35
modes, 14-36
process, 14-36
techniques, 14-37
tracks, 14-35
Videotape scripting, 14-39
Writing, 3-1
accident stories, the, 3-1
feature story, the 3-1
speech story, the 3-9
sports story, the 3-13