News services, 4-3
foreign, 4-4
The Associated Press, 4-4
United Press International, 4-4
Newspaper establishment, 7-4
Newspaper news gathering methods, 7-10
beat system, 7-10
morgue, 7-11
stringer system, 7-10
Newspaper readership surveys, 7-10
Newspaper staff credentials, 7-9
Newspaper staff organization, 7-5
associate editor, 7-6
cartoonist, 7-7
classified ads, 7-7
copy log, 7-9
editor, 7-5
general assignment writers, 7-7
leisure editor, 7-7
making assignments, 7-8
photography, 7-8
sports editor, 7-7
training, 7-9
Next of kin, 2-30
Navy families and the media, 2-31
Navy family support, 2-31
PAO/CACO relationship, 2-30
Opaque projector, 6-21
Overhead transparency projector, 6-22
Point paper, 1-36
Preparing directives, 1-20
adverse incident plan, 1-25
CIB plan, 1-25
Preparing directivesContinued
public affairs annex, 1-20
public affairs plan, 1-20
Prints, selecting for newspaper publication, 7-11
contact sheet selection, 7-11
cutline information, 7-13
fired photograph selection, 7-11
initial step, 7-11
Proofreading galley proofs and bluelines, 7-13
Public affairs guidance (PAG), 1-29
Public affairs office administrative processes, 1-5
coordinating, 1-7
organizing, 1-6
planning, 1-6
supervising, 1-7
Public affairs office files, 1-38
clip file, 1-38
file folders for, 1-38
hardware for, 1-38
organization of, 1-38
Public affairs office location and appearance, 15
Public affairs office management tools, 1-1
authority, 1-1
resources, 1-1
Public affairs office telephone procedures, 1-40
answering/facsimile machines, 1-41
budgeting time, 1-41
etiquette, 1-40
taking messages, 1-41
Public affairs programs and products, evaluation of, 1-8
Radio programming, 8-17
AFRTS prerecorded shows, 8-21
local live music shows, 8-20
master program schedule layout, 8-21
news and sports, 8-21