Announcing, 8-39
breathing, 8-39
exercises, 8-39
pitch and inflection, 8-41
resonance, 8-40
sound, making the, 8-39
vocal quality, 8-40
volume, 8-41
Audiovisual aids, 6-18
actual objects and models, 6-24
audio or sound effects, 6-24
directly shown devices, 6-18
optically projected aids, 6-21
Carousel slide projector, 6-23
Ceremonies, 5-19
arranging news coverage, 5-20
importance of details, 5-23
major events, 5-20
CIB after-action report, 3-10
CIB credentialing, 3-8
badge issuance, 3-8
follow-up actions, 3-9
identification verification, 3-8
registration, 3-8
CIB establishment plan, 3-2
determining procedures, 3-2
determining public affairs objectives, 3-2
following guidance, 3-2
CIB media ground rules, 3-8
CIB media pooling, 3-7
CIB media requirements, 3-6
amenities, 3-7
billeting, 3-7
communications, 3-6
medical care, 3-7
messing, 3-7
military transportation support, 3-6
CIB news dissemination, 3-9
audiovisual equipment and materials, 3-10
background information, 3-10
bulletin boards, 3-10
interviews, 3-9
news briefings and conferences, 3-9
news releases, 3-9
photo boards, 3-10
CIB organization, 3-2
administrative support division, 3-3
liaison division, 3-3
media relations division, 3-3
CIB planning, 2-21, 3-1
CIB standard operating procedures, 3-3
command information requirements, 3-5
personnel requirements, 3-3
site selection and configuration, 3-4
CIBs, sub, 3-3
Civilian enterprise newspaper, 7-1
advantage of, 7-1
Civilian enterprise newspaper contract, 7-1
gathering data, 7-3
inclusive items, 7-2
publishers visits, 7-3
selection committee, 7-2
special services, 7-3