The following media pool representation provides
the best coverage for an event:
A photographer from either AP or UPI and one
reporter from each (top priority)
At least two television representatives (one
correspondent, one camera or audio technician)
A reporter and a color photographer from the
news magazines
At least one reporter from the daily newspapers
A radio representative
Representatives from other press associations, radio
and television networks and newspapers also could be
included if there is room. Keep out of the decisions of
who goes and who stays and avoid challenges of
Media Ground Rules
Media members must be given written policy
statements that spell out the ground rules concerning
their activities, their rights and privileges and items of
local interest. You may want to incorporate the
following ground rules:
Media may be authorized to sit in on press
briefings, travel in military vehicles, use
communications, messing facilities, billeting and
medical facilities and to be brought in close to
sites for photographs or interviews that would
otherwise be denied.
Media must stay with their escorts when it is
required, obey security restrictions (describe
what might happen if they include sensitive
material in their reports) and follow established
ground rules. You must tell the media that they
will lose all access to information from public
affairs official sources if violations occur.
Learning Objective:
Outline the procedures for
credentialing members of the media at the CIB.
Part of your overall CIB organization should
include a credentialing process for the media.
Credentialing allows you to keep track of the reporters
at the CIB and the area of operation. You also can use
information obtained from the credentialing process to
brief the CO and include in your after-action report.
When reporters are escorted from the front gate to
the CIB, ask them for some type of identification. This
includes press cards, introduction letters signed by the
editor on letterhead stationery, or in the case of
free-lance reporters, letters of agreement with an
established news organization. You can also check their
passports, visas or shot records.
Issue credentials only to bona fide news corre-
spondents. Randomly contact the news organization the
reporter says he works for to verify his employment.
Sometimes, a news organization will say it has never
heard of the person whose identification you hold in
your hand. You can be quite certain this person is not a
true member of the media. They may be spies or nosy
locals wanting to know what is going on. Whatever the
circumstance, people pretending to be reporters should
not get the same access to information as reporters with
credentials. When verification uncovers fraudulent or
expired credentials or letters of agreement, revoke the
credentials (if they have already been issued) and
contact security personnel immediately.
Register the media members by recording their
names, telephone numbers of where they work or are
billeted and the address and telephone number of their
news organization. The reporters must also complete
three forms dealing with ground rules, a waiver
agreement and a statement of charges.
Ground rules. The ground rules form is just
that-a statement that they have read the ground
rules of the CIB. Reporters who desire
credentials will sign the form as an agreement to
follow these rules.
Waiver agreement. This is a form you should
prepare with the help of the legal office. It states
that they, and their survivors, will hold the U.S.
government harmless if they are injured or die as
a result of covering military action.
Statement of charges. The statement of charges
(also called a letter of credit) lists the reim-
bursable services they may use.
Issue each reporter a badge or card and identifi-
cation tag. The badges are a controlled item. The
reporters must agree to keep them in their possession as