Disasters, public affairs procedures in, 2-21
admitting reporters to the accident scene, 2-26
attributes for dealing with the media, 2-23
authoritative background information, 2-28
briefing reporters, 2-25
cooperating with the news media, 2-23
debriefing survivors, 2-28
initial actions, 2-22
initial news release, 2-23
media ground rules, 2-25
media identification, 2-25
photography control (off base), 2-27
photography control (on base), 2-26
releasing authority, 2-21
releasing names of casualties, 2-27
Filters, video camera, 8-25
Funded newspaper, 7-1
Future of broadcasting, 8-41
Internal communications, 1-9
All Hands, 1-10
Captains Call Kit, 1-10
Navy News Service, 1-9
Navy Family Lifeline, 1-10
Navy Editor Service, 1-10
Navy News This Week (NNTW), 1-10,8-35
Navy Talking Points, 1-10
Public Affairs Comvnunicator, 1-10
Public Affairs Planning Guide, 1-10
Interviews, 4-8
general tips, 4-11
ground rules, 4-8
Interview tips, television, 4-11
appearance, 4-11
eye contact, 4-11
eyewear, use of, 4-11
first name, use of, 4-11
Interviews, types and techniques, 4-10
accident or incident, 4-10
ambush, 4-10
edited, 4-10
general, 4-10
remote, 4-10
talk show, 4-10
Investigations, 2-29
differences in reports, 2-29
public affairs actions, 2-29
Journalism excellence in Navy newspapers, 7-4
color photography, 7-4
credibility, 7-5
dictionary, selection of, 7-4
editorial comment, 7-5
stylebook, formulation of, 7-4
Letter, for COs signature,
Letter, official Navy, 1-14
organization, 1-15
paragraph organization,
purpose of, 1-15
word selection, 1-15
Letter, public affairs, 1-18
Likert scale (surveys), 9-9
Marketing stories, 4-15
log book, 4-16
magazines, 4-16
Navy Public Affairs Centers, role of, 4-16