pictures of similar events also may be helpful. Ask
questions about the location of the subject, the type and
direction of movement, and the sequence of actions to
be recorded.
With this information, you can draft a rough plan.
By working closely with the project officer, you should
be kept reasonably well informed and can arrange your
shooting in a logical order. Be careful, however, not to
plan yourself into a trap. Expect last minute changes
in your plan, and, therefore, keep alternative plans in
mind and ways they can be put into effect quickly.
Next, determine shooting requirements and the
number of cameras and people you need. Check
probable camera locations for the long, medium, and
closeup shots. Determine the amount of tape you
require, and consider the possibility of some unplanned
requirements. Determine whether you will need
transportation and additional equipment.
A hypothetical assignment: The lab has received
the following orders: The Chief of Naval Operations
and his party are expected to arrive aboard your ship
tomorrow. The flag requires complete photographic
coverage of all official activities of the CNO and his
party while on the ship. The division chief has assigned
you to cover the motion media.
After you check with the officer in charge of the
event, you find that the CNO and his party are expected
to arrive by aircraft at 1300 hours. The party consists of
the Chief of Naval Operations and three aides. The
purpose of this visit is to inspect the ship and to present
several awards. The CNO and his party plan to depart at
1700 the same day.
With this information you can now plan your
shooting outline. In an event of this kind, you cannot
expect to stage or control many shots.
The following shooting outline is an example of
what you might come up with:
Scene 1:
Scene 2:
Scene 3:
Scene 4:
Scene 5:
Scene 6:
Scene 7:
Aircraft (A/C) with CNO landing.
Side boys, flag officer, and CO on
deck in front of island.
A/C taxies to island.
CNOs party disembarks A/C.
Flag officer and CO greet CNO.
CNO inspects side boys.
LS, MS, and CU of CNO presenting
Scene 8: CNO makes speech
Scene 9: CNO and party tour ship.
Scene 10: CNO and party return to A/C.
Scene 11: A/C taxies to fantail for deck launch.
Scene 12: A/C takes off.
Now, how do you get the coverage?
In scene 1, you could be in a high position for an
establishing shot showing the flight deck with the A/C
landing. After the A/C lands, you move down to the
flight deck and shoot scene 2, MS, of the side boys, the
flag officer, and the CO taking their positions on deck
to greet the CNO. Scene 3 is an LS showing the A/C
taxiing to the island. For scene 4, shoot an MS of the
CNO and his party leaving the A/C. Scene 5 is a CU of
the flag officer and CO greeting the CNO. Scene 6 starts
with an LS of the CNO inspecting the side boys.
Circumstances permitting, move in for an MS and CU
of the inspection. Scenes 7 and 8 should be easy to shoot
because of the time it takes to read citations, make
awards, and give a speech. This should allow plenty of
time for you to move about and get long shots, medium
shots, close-ups, and cut shots. Follow your judgment
and intuition for shooting scenes 9, 10, and 11. Scene 12
is your closing shot. Again, shoot from a high position
to show the flight deck. Pan the A/C and follow it until
it is out of sight.
The shooting outline not only serves as a program
for planning the sequence of coverage, but it also
provides a basis for determining camera placement,
movement, and shot framing.
Graphics have many applications, such as title
cards, cast lists, maps, tables, charts, photographs, and
inserts. Graphics should not be treated casually. Without
precautions, graphics can become unsharp, confusing,
tilted, distorted, and incomplete. Much of the graphics
and text used in motion-video productions are created
on a character generator. A character generator is an
electronic device used to create words or graphics and
electronically inserts them over a video picture. When a
character generator is not available, graphics must be
recorded by a camera
When you are shooting graphics that will be viewed
on a monitor, the camera lens must be centered and
parallel the graphic. The graphic and camera must be
level. Your framing must be correct.