difference in uncorrected and corrected verticaldistortion.ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHYArchitectural photography are pictures of man-made structures, especially buildings. These picturesmay be made for planning, construction progress,illustrative purposes, inspection and survey, and othersimilar purposes.PLANNING PHOTOGRAPHYArchitectural pictures made for planning purposesmay fall into several categories. For example, the civilengineer working with an architect on design plans fora new commissary store at the naval air station may needa picture of the commissary store at the naval shipyardto show the architect the general concept of how the newstore is to look The engineer may also need the samepicture plus pictures of other buildings near theproposed construction site to be included in the contractbids. These planning pictures may have to showobstructions to heavy equipment, or where the new storewill be located in relation to other buildings, proposedand existing. The architectural pictures you make maybe presented to the U.S. Congress for allocation ofnew-construction funds.CONSTRUCTION PHOTOGRAPHYConstruction progress architectural pictures, (fig.6-20A and fig. 6-20B) or simply construction progresspictures, are used as proof of construction progress fromarchitect-to-builder-to-Navy. Whenever buildings orfacilities are being built, a photographic record of theproject should be made. These pictures may showwhether the contractor did or did not followspecifications as written in the contract. They can alsoserve as a visual record of the material used inconstruction. In addition to their normal preservation aspart of the construction contract record, they form thebasis for periodic reports to higher echelons, includingCongressional Armed Services Committees. Some ofthese pictures may be of great historical value, but theirmost important function is to serve as documentation forconstruction workFor a complete record, pictures must be taken atintervals throughout the construction period.Excavation, foundation work, and the roughing-inprocess progress slowly; pictures made every 7 to 14days, starting at day one, may be adequate to show thisphase of the work. The rest of the work may go morequickly and require pictures every day or so.For an accurate record of construction, the picturesare usually made from the same camera position fromday to day. However, as construction progresses, it maybe necessary to make additional views, both exterior andinterior.The person for whom you are doing thephotography should explain any special effect desiredin the pictures; for example, accenting structural texture,highlighting a specific construction detail, pinpointingan architectural feature, or concentrating on anexceptional landscape view. And do not forget to makethe last picture-the one that shows the completedproject. We do not mean the one made the day thecontractor removed his last hammer from the jobsite. Ofcourse, you made that picture. We mean take a pictureseveral months after the project is “finished,” when thegrass is green and the trees are planted.The same care you give to other types ofphotography should be given to construction progressphotography. Do use good composition and lightingtechniques and other similar applications ofprofessional photographic skill. Take particular carewith shadow areas that may contain important details.ILLUSTRATIVE PHOTOGRAPHYThe uses of illustrative architectural pictures in theNavy vary greatly. The commanding officer may wantpictures that concentrate on overall design to show at ameeting with the admiral. The civil engineer may wantpictures that show functional aspects of a building to beincluded in a report, and the operations officer may wanta picture of the operations building, crash and rescue firehouse, and the control tower to decorate his office. Theeditor of the station paper may need pictures that showa building before and after a self-help project. And, ofcourse, the publisher of Welcome Aboard wants a pictureof the BEQ and the mess hall. All these pictures areconsidered illustrative architectural photography andshould be made to show the buildings to best advantage.This type of photography is best done with a viewcamera so horizontal and vertical distortion can beovercome as much as possible. When making this typeof picture, be sure there are no distracting elements inthe picture area. The foreground and background shouldbe clean. When possible, have all the windows and doorsthe same; for example, the windows should all be openor closed and the same for doors. When the windows6-34
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