activities has made photography an integral part of the
Navys industrial framework.
You should be able to tackle just about any photo
job that comes up. When shooting industrial
photography, you must work closely with research and
development engineers, machinists, and technicians
far outside the realm of photography. You must be the
master of photographic techniques, and have an eye
for good pictures-plus imagination for creative
Know Your Subject
Before a satisfactory photographic record of an
industrial situation can be produced, you must have
an adequate understanding of the subject. For
instance, when you are called on to photograph a
malfunctioning machine that is capable of performing
several operations in the manufacture of an aircraft
wing component, you should be told-better
yet-shown, how the machine, or one like it, works.
With this information, you are better able to shoot the
malfunctioning machine and show what the problem
is or what is causing the problem. Granted, you could
probably make the picture if someone just pointed you
in the right direction. It is not always possible to
discuss each intimate detail of a problem, but it is
certainly possible to make clear just what a
photograph should illustrate. This kind of preparation
is possible only when there is cooperation between the
photographer and the requester. Coordination of
photographic activities within an industrial
organization promotes a better understanding
between everyone concerned, and it leads to a more
effective application of photography.
Safety Precautions
Photographers, like other people in and around
industrial operations, must observe existing safety
precautions. If your imaging facility does much
industrial photography, it should have, as a minimum,
a safety helmet and protective clothing available for
you to wear.
An industrial photographer, like other
photographers, must be able to move around to
determine the best camera angle. You must also keep
in touch with the people responsible for safety to
avoid risks to yourself and others. The people in the
photographs must also be shown wearing their safety
helmets, hearing protectors, and so forth.
The camera also must be protected. It is a
precision instrument and should be given adequate
care and protection. When in use, the camera usually
does not need any more protection than the
photographer. But it should be given extra protection
when used in places exposed to flying sparks,
spattering molten metal, and so forth. A skylight filter
on the lens should always be used to help protect the
lens. This filter does not affect exposure or color
balance but does protect the lens element. Buying a
new filter is a lot cheaper than buying a new lens.
A lens shade should be the constant companion of
every lens. It keeps a lot of extraneous light from
entering the lens and can also protect the lens from
certain types of damage.
Photographing Large Machines and
The photography of large machines or equipment,
such as hydraulic presses and aircraft during rework or
ships during construction or overhaul, presents special
problems. The bigger the equipment or unit, the more
difficult it is to photograph.
In many instances, the equipment may be part of the
industrial production setup and the picture making must
be planned so it does not interfere with production.
Pictures may be needed at various stages of work to
show wiring, piping, and components that are concealed
during later steps of production. Pictures are able to
show the location and methods of production and
assembly. These pictures are often used to highlight
certain aspects of work equipment failures, repairs, and
The Right Viewpoint
When you photograph large equipment or machines
(fig. 6-22). a series of pictures is one of the best ways to
cover the assignment. The larger and more complex the
subject, the greater the need for a series of pictures. The
series of pictures should be planned to record important
details of the subject. The views to be considered are as
Plane views-show detail in various components
and parts of the equipment