Figure 6-13.Using a mirror to show both front and back of
the subject in one photograph.
It is often difficult to set up a camera for interior and
closeup work to obtain the most desirable viewpoint.
Space limitations or pieces of equipment may obstruct
the view and make it impossible to photograph an
assembly directly. Frequently, a mirror can be used to
your advantage in product photography. A mirror placed
at the proper angle and distance shows the opposite side
of an object in the reflection, while the camera records
the front side directly (fig. 6-13). For example, in
photographing an object for damage assessment where
the damage is on two or more surfaces, you may find it
difficult or impossible to show all the damage in one
view without the aid of a mirror. In such cases, the value
of a picture may be greatly increased by showing all of
the damage in one picture. One instance would be in
photographing a cylinder that has been scored or
cracked on the inside as well as damaged outside. Both
surfaces may be shown in one view by using a mirror.
You may often find it desirable to obtain a picture
of an object or part that shows its relation to the complete
assembly. When it is impossible to position the camera
and see the part or object directly, the problem may be
solved by using a mirror to reflect the image of an
assembled part.
Taking a picture of a reflected image presents some
Occasionally, exploded views (fig. 6-14) of small
problems that are unique to mirror photography. It is
objects are photographed in a group to show the various
difficult to prevent the mirror from reflecting other
parts of an assembly. Normally, they are arranged in the
objects that are not wanted in the picture. You must be
layout in the same order in which they are assembled or
careful and place the mirror at the proper angle to
disassembled. Pay particular attention to the
eliminate unwanted reflections. When arranging the
composition of objects as they appear on the ground
Figure 6-14.Exploded views.
lights, avoid illuminating an object that produces
undesirable reflections. Often a screen can be set up to
block the reflection of unwanted objects.
Correct lighting of an object for mirror photography
is slightly more difficult. Lighting on both the front and
back sides of the object must be evenly balanced;
otherwise, the mirrored image appears too dark or too
light. Direct the light on the object from the mirror side
as well as the camera side. When it is impossible to place
a light on the mirror side of the object, use the mirror to
reflect the light onto the back side of the object. This
requires careful placement of the camera in relation to
the light source to avoid strong rays of light from
entering the lens. Spotlights are usually more suitable
than floodlights as sources of illumination, because a
beam of light is easier to control.
Focus the camera carefully when photographing a
reflected image. Usually, it is necessary to use a small
f/stop to increase the depth of field sufficiently. When
focusing on a reflected image, the lens must be set for
the distance from camera to mirror PLUS the distance
from subject to mirror. This naturally requires a much
greater depth of field than is ordinarily required.