In addition you should give commands to the videoswitcher last. This is because the video switcher isnormally positioned close to the director and needs lesstime to respond to a command than camera operators orthe floor manager. Give your commands in this order:1. Audio switcher2. Talent3. Video switcherTELEVISION VISUALSLEARNING OBJECTIVE: Recognize thetechnical requirements and main types oftelevision visuals.As a television broadcaster, you must be able tothink visually in order to make the most of the televisionmedium. In some cases, visuals can tell the entire storyby themselves and should be an integral part of aproduction instead of an afterthought. You may haveheard the cliche, “One picture is worth a thousandwords.” This is true because effective visuals will helpyou tell the story with more clarity. A viewer’simagination can actually provide the “soundtrack,”sometimes enhanced by narration (used sparingly) andtelevision dialogue.The term visuals maybe broken into the followingthree subgroups:lllGraphics (maps, charts, diagrams, illustrations,printed IDs, outlines and summaries and CGinformation)Photographic techniques (still photographs)Television backdrops, props, scenery andsubject/talent visual information not included inthe first two categoriesTECHNICAL REQUIREMENTSBefore you plan or use any type of television visual,you must be aware of the technical limitations andguidelines involved Even if you do not actually designor prepare the visuals, you must be able to guide yourartist and understand the limitations of visuals.It is important for you to understand how visualsmust be tailored for television before producing orselecting them. For example, a novice televisionbroadcaster may see a random visual he likes and try touse it immediately, while a seasoned veteran will basehis decision on more scientific guidelines and will notrely on first impressions.Any producer of television programs learns quicklythat he needs a “working knowledge” of manycontributory fields. One of these is graphic arts. Alltelevision shows use graphic materials — title cards,photographs, illustrations, charts and maps — just toname a few. Graphic materials greatly enhance news andfeature productions, spot announcements and virtuallyall types of television programs. Keep in mind that, intelevision it is important for you to present informationvisually as often as possible since people remembervisual information longer than the spoken word.Without visuals, you lose the force of this powerfulmedium.Whether written, pictorial, diagrammatic or sheerdesign, visuals have a place in almost every televisionproduction. In preparing visuals for television, youshould pay close attention to the aspect ratio, scanningarea, essential area, border area and the size of thevisuals.Aspect RatioThe aspect ratio of any television screen, regardlessof its physical size, is 3:4. This means the televisionscreen is divided into three units high and four unitswide. The visual elements should be kept in a formatsize that will complement either 6:8 or 9:12. Theseaspect ratios will help you keep the materials and objectswithin the 3:4 aspect ratio format shown in figure 14-13.A television visual prepared within this aspect ratio willbe seen in its entirety on the television screen.Conversely, think about what would happen if you wereto shoot a vertical photograph without the proper aspectratio. The photograph would lose a major portion of itsFigure 14-13.—Television aspect ratio.14-14
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