The director tells you when your shot is about to be usedand when it is being used live. Even when your shot isnot live, you should attempt to keep a shot that thedirector may find useful to the program. This will allowhim to use that shot for coverage if something goeswrong with another shot or camera.You may receive instructions from the director tomove the camera, either to a new angle or to a newposition on the studio floor. It is essential to a successfultelevision production that all camera movements becarried out correctly, quickly, quietly and smoothly. Thedirector relies heavily on the conduct of the televisioncamera operators, and his job is easier when you respondto his commands not only quickly but accurately. Thisis particularly important during unscripted programs.(Television shooting techniques, including specificcamera movements, are covered later in this chapter.)FLOOR MANAGERThe floor manager stays in the television studioduring a production. Through a headset system, he is indirect, two-way communication with the director in thecontrol room. Normally, the talent is not able to use aheadset and cannot receive instructions directly from thedirector. It is the prime responsibility of the floormanager to act as a liaison between the talent and thedirector.Since it is not practical for him to instruct the talentorally during a production, the floor manager stands orkneels next to the camera that the talent should speak toand uses a system of hand signals to relay the director’sinstructions. Although any hand signal systemunderstood by both the floor manager and the talent willwork, we recommend you use the universally acceptedsystem shown in figure 14-11.The basic hand signals that both the floor managerand talent must understand are listed in the followingtext.lllStand by. For the hand signal to “stand by,” thefloor manager raises his hand and arm at thebeginning of the show or following a spot breakCue. For the hand signal to “start talking” or“begin action,” the floor manager raises his handand points to the talent.Cut. For the hand signal to “cease talking” or“stop action,” the floor manager draws his handacross his throat in a slashing motion.llllllllStretch. For the hand signal to “stretch it” or“slow down,” the floor manager pulls his handsapart as if stretching a rubber band. Longeramounts of time are indicated when the floormanager places his hands farther apart at the endof the stretching motion; shorter time amountsare indicated when the floor manager places hishands closer together.Speed up. For the hand signal to “talk faster,” thefloor manager rotates his arm and handclockwise in a circle above his head. The speedof the rotations are related to the urgency of time.OK. For the hand signal that “everything is fine,”the floor manager makes a circle with his thumband forefinger.30 seconds to go. For the hand signal that thereare 30 seconds remaining in the show/segment,the floor manager forms the letter T with bothhands.15 seconds to go/wrap it up. For the hand signalthat there are 15 seconds remaining in theshow/segment and the talent should wrap upwhat he is doing, the floor manager creates agrabbing motion with his hand that results in afist.Speak more softly. For the hand signal to “speakmore softly,” the floor manager raises the palmof his hand to his mouth.Speak up. For the hand signal to “speak up,” thefloor manager cups his ear with his hand.Speak or look at this camera. For the handsignal to “speak or look at this camera,” the floormanager points to the on-air camera with hishand. A waving motion from one camera toanother alerts the talent that the director isswitching the shot to another on-air camera.Be precise and deliberate when you deliver handsignals. Do not wave your arms in the air frantically —this will only confine and imitate the talent.During a television production, the studio floor isusually a maze of lighting and camera cables that canhinder the movement of the cameras and also be a safetyhazard. The floor manager must make sure these cablesare stored or positioned safely. Furthermore, he shouldfind out from the camera operator and director howmuch camera movement is expected.14-10
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