Figure 11-34.The still digital photography process.
the hard disk drive (for long-term storage), a modem (for
transmitting to another computer) or a printer to produce
color prints, transparencies or negatives. The still digital
photography process is shown in figure 11-34.
As of this writing, the digital camera used by the
Navy is the Kodak Professional Digital Camera System
(DCS) 200. This system is shown in figure 11-35 and
contains the following components:
Nikon N8008s camera body
DCS 200 camera back with hard disk drive
(multiple capacities available)
Small Computer System Interface (SCSI)
(pronounced scuzzy)
28mm Nikon lens and cover
Aldus PhotoStyler software plug-in for IBM PC
and compatible computers
Adobe Photoshop software plug-in for Apple
Macintosh computer
AC adapter/charger
SCSI cables
Do not let the name still digital photography
intimidate you. Because the DCS 200 uses an unaltered
Nikon N8008s camera body, you will work with
virtually the same components found on a regular 35mm
SLR camera. An LCD (liquid crystal display) indicator
on the camera gives you important information, such as
the battery charge level, frame count and storage
capacity (up to 50 images in the camera body). Handy
features include auto-exposure, autofocus and
auto-wind. You may even change lenses as you would
with the Canon F-1.
Figure 11-35.The Kodak Professional Digital Camera System
(DCS) 200.
The DCS 200 uses six AA batteries. For maximum
performance and to prevent damage to the camera from
battery leakage, use alkaline batteries. You may also use
rechargeable nickel cadmium (NiCad) batteries.
Do not mix NiCad and alkaline batteries in the DCS
200. NiCad batteries have a different output voltage and
battery performance will be degraded significantly.
If the camera is left on when not in use (more than
10 minutes), battery life will drop rapidly. Generally,
one set of batteries will provide enough power to take
and retrieve 50 images.
Initial Settings
We cannot adequately cover the entire operation of
the DCS 200 in a TRAMAN of this scope. Therefore,
you are encouraged to read the instruction manual that
accompanies the system.
The following DCS 200 settings have proven
successful for most applications and are provided in this
section to help you get started:
l Set the focus mode to S.