15. Click on the File menu. Holding the
mouse/trackball button down, drag down to Close.
You have just successfully retrieved and
compressed a digital image. The image is now ready to
be transmitted by modem using the telecommunications
software of your choice. Repeat Steps 5 through 14 for
each image you desire to transmit. When you are
finished, quit the Adobe Photoshop application.
In this section we attempted to give you the basics
of still digital photography. Further information maybe
obtained from the Photography (Advanced) TRAMAN
or by contacting the CHINFO News Photo Division.
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Identify the purpose
of the photo job order and list the required
photo job order information.
In areas where Navy imaging facilities are located,
one of the easiest means of getting photographic
coverage is by properly filling out a job order form. The
title of the form may change to include other services,
but you should have an understanding of the purpose
and basic information needed to fill out the request for
services properly.
A job order serves as the authority for requested
work the record of the imaging facility and its receipt.
It accompanies the work being performed through every
phase of the photographic process.
To use the job order successfully, you should
develop a good understanding and relationship between
your unit and the imaging facility.
In submitting a job order, all information pertaining
to the job should be recorded to avoid confusing the
photographer performing the actual work. The job order
information you must provide includes the following:
Name of your activity
Your activity job number
Job security classification
Number of views needed
Size and finish of prints
Priority and date required
Location of work
Name and telephone number of person
requesting job
Person to whom the photographer should report;
also the date and time the services are required
Description of the job to be photographed
Uniform the photographer should be wearing
The most important information of the job order is
the concise description of the job to be photographed.
All information pertaining to the job should be described
as clearly and complete] y as possible to avoid any
confusion for the photographer.
Your relationship with the imaging facility
personnel should include an understanding that your job
orders always allow for a creative or imaginative shot
along with the requested standard or sure-shot. In cases
where the photographers shot is better than the shot
requested, use the better shot. Never request one to 10
of every shot. Should you be allowed to select your
prints by screening proof sheets or negatives, select only
the best shots to satisfy your requirements.
Another method you should use to foster good
relations with the imaging facility is to rely on the
judgment of an experienced photographer and request
the best view of ... when ordering prints.