Figure 11-28.Loading 35mm film on a wire reel.
After you properly load the film on the reel, you are
ready to begin the actual chemical process of film
The following are the steps used to process roll film
in small tanks:
1. Place the loaded reels into the tank. If the
loaded reels do not come to the top of the tank, add
empty reels to take up the space. Place the cover and cap
on the tank. The lights may now be turned back on. Once
the lights are on and before the film is fixed, be careful
not to remove the tank cover or the film will be exposed
to light and ruined.
2. Hold the tank in one hand and tilt it slightly;
pour the developer directly from the graduate into the
tank through the light trap pouring hole. As the
developer nears the top of the tank, hold the tank level
or set it in the sink. Fill the tank to just overflowing. This
step should take about 10 to 20 seconds, depending on
the tank size.
3. Immediately start the timer once the tank is frill.
Replace the cap and strike the tank on the edge of the
sink once or twice to dislodge any air bubbles. Now
agitate the film by inverting the tank slowly end to end