1. General. It is anticipated that many incoming and departing reporters may use
Sherman Field as their air transportation entry and exit facility. According to
previous guidance, CHINFO will coordinate all air transportation for reporters
representing national organizations.
2. Procedures. In accordance with the transportation provisions of this plan,
government furnished ground transportation will be available to shuttle reporters
from Sherman Field to the CIBNAM.
3. Specific Responsibilities.
a. CIBNAM will do the following:
(1) In conjunction with CNET (N-4), determine flight schedules for arriving
news media; notify appropriate personnel of any change in schedules or originally
planned arrival times.
(2) Coordinate arrangements for arrival and departure transportation.
(3) Provide on-base transportation for local and area news media.
b. Commanding Officer, NAS Pensacola, will do the following:
(1) Arrange for and provide necessary vehicles and drivers.
(2) Provide one 45-passenger bus to meet scheduled media flights.
(3) Provide three Navy sedans/station wagons and a 10-passenger van to the
CIBNAM for the period 10 April through 14 April, along with drivers for vehicles.
(4) Direct all reporters arriving by vehicle at the front gate to the CIBNAM,
where parking facilities are available.