4. Policy. It is the policy of the Secretary of the Navy that essential news of adverse
incidents will be released when known, unless such release would compromise
military security.
To accomplish its mission, the Rose Festival CIB must be
expeditiously informed of all particulars of adverse incidents, including full
identification of persons involved. The decision as to what news is to be released
to the press, and that of when such news is to be released, is the responsibility of the
information coordination officer. In no case will individual commanders attempt to
withhold such information from the CIB. Wording and timing of press releases
pertaining to adverse incidents will be determined by the merits of individual cases;
whenever possible, identification of casualties will be withheld until the next of kin
may reasonably be expected to have been notified.
5. Action.
a. In accordance with reference (a), an OPREP-3 Navy Blue will be sent to the
appropriate authorities.
b. COMTHIRDFLT and CO, USN & MCRTC, Portland, Oregon, will be made
information addressees on all communications required by reference (a) or (b),
whichever is appropriate.
c. The CIB will initiate any reports deemed necessary in accordance with
reference (d).
d. Format for Notification of the CIB. Upon occurrence of an adverse incident,
the commander concerned will notify the CIB by the most expeditious means
possible, giving the following information:
(1) Summary description of incident.
(a) What happened
(b) When
(c) Where
(d) How
(e) Why
(2) Persons killed.
(a) Name