desk receiving the job request. OPNAV 5216/10 should
be unclassified and contain only the information
required to identify the material being received No
classified information should be included on a receipt.
The postcard receipt (back of OPNAV 5216/10 package)
is given to the person delivering the job request. The
postcard receipt is then presented to the front desk
person when the completed job request is picked up.
OPNAV 5216/10 receipts are retained for a minimum
period of 2 years.
Whenever you have questions about classified
information or security matters, refer to the Department
of the Navy Information Security Program Regulation,
OPNAVINST 5510.1, or the security manager of your
Physical security is part of an overall Navy program
that deals with physical measures designed to prevent
unauthorized access to equipment, facilities, and
Navy imaging facilities are a part of this physical
security program. Physical security of imaging facilities
is a direct, immediate, legal, and moral responsibility of
every Photographer's Mate assigned to the activity.
As stated earlier, Navy imaging facilities are
considered limited access areas. The reception or job
order desk area is the only place within the facility that
unescorted personnel, other than personnel assigned to
the activity, or visitors are permitted. Beyond the
reception area, there must be a definite, well-defined
limiting barrier. This barrier may be in the form of a
warning sign, locked gate, or a door, depending on the
degree of security required.
Procedures for the control of people entering the
restricted areas of an imaging facility beyond the barrier
include, as a minimum, an escort system. Escorting is a
method for controlling personnel within the lab who are
not normally authorized access. Whether or not the
escort remains with the visitor during the entire time of
the visit is determined by the amount of security
required, by the purpose of the visit, and by local written
policy. Utility and maintenance personnel performing
work at regular or irregular intervals and for short
working periods should be handled by the same
procedures as those used for the control of visitors.
People are curious and like to look at pictures. When
unescorted they will probably look through the pictures
and negatives in the finishing area Even if they do not
take the pictures, they most probably will not place them
in the same order and the finishing crew will have to
re-sort the jobs.
Even when your imaging facility does not handle
classified work, you must become aware of the need for
security. You must be accustomed to escorting visitors.
By escorting visitors, you will find that the dis-
appearance or misplacement of equipment and materials
is minimized
The Navy Visual Information Management and
Operations Manual, OPNAVINST 5290.1 (series),
governs the administration and operation of Navy
imaging facilities. It outlines the organization and
administration of audiovisual units and provides
policies and instructions for the use of imaging products
in the Navy. You should consult this manual for the most
current information concerning the organization of
naval imaging.
The ability to track photographic jobs within your
facility quickly and accurately depends on the job
control system of your imaging facility. When the
system is not used correctly, photographic requests,
negatives, prints, and other requirements may be lost or
misplaced. This causes an inordinate delay in customer
service that has a negative impact on your relationship
with other divisions.
An unclassified job-order log is maintained by all
imaging facilities. The log must contain, as a minimum,
the following information: sequential job order
numbers, security classification, product identification,
and disposition of the work request (person who picked
up the job). Additional data required by your imaging
facility, such as date and requester, may also be included
in the job-order log.
Unclassified identifiers are used to refer to
classified subjects. A separate job-order log is
maintained for classified work requests. Job order logs
are created on the first day of each fiscal year, and the
job order number is reset to 000001. The fiscal year of
the federal government runs from 1 October to 30