Physical security
Physical security is the safeguarding of documents,
photographs, and other items that contain classified
information. Later in this chapter, another form of
physical security used to safeguard property and
material physically at Navy shore activities is discussed.
Physical security is the concern for protecting
classified documents, devices, and materials, so they
never fall into the hands of unauthorized personnel or
come within optical range of actual or possible enemies.
When working with classified matter, you must protect
it from being seen by unauthorized individuals, either
military or civilian. No person should have access to
classified material unless it is necessary for them to
carry out their official duties. Classified material must
never be removed from its designated working space or
left unguarded. When not actually in use, you must keep
it locked up in an authorized container.
When classified products, such as photographs,
videotapes, or audio recordings, are no longer needed or
useful, they must be destroyed. The products must never
be discarded in ordinary containers.
Destruction of classified material must be
accomplished and witnessed by persons who are cleared
to the level of the material being destroyed. A record of
destruction is mandatory even when an originator states
in a document that it may be destroyed without report.
This statement means only that the originator does not
need to be notified of the destruction.
A record of destruction is required for Top Secret
and Secret material, but not for Confidential material.
Destruction may be recorded on OPNAV 5511/12
(Classified Material Destruction Report) or on any other
record that includes complete identification of the
material, number of copies destroyed, and the date of
destruction. The record of destruction must be signed by
the two cleared people involved in the destruction of Top
Secret materials, and the record must be retained for
2 years.
Classified documents can be destroyed by burning,
pulping, pulverizing, or shredding. When destruction is
accomplished by means other than shredding, the
residue must be inspected to ensure complete
In most imaging facilities, the policy is to give all
scrap materials, test prints, and any other material
generated from a classified job, back to the requester.
Do not destroy classified materials without first
consulting your supervisor.
Spaces that contain classified matter are known as
security (sensitive) areas. The areas have varying
degrees of security, depending on their purpose, the
nature of the work, and the information and materials
involved. All security areas should be clearly marked by
signs marked Restricted Area. Three types of security
areas are established to meet different levels of security
Exclusion Area
Spaces requiring the strictest control of access are
designated exclusion areas. They contain classified
matter that restrict admittance to only those persons that
require access to the materials and have a need to
An exclusion area is fully enclosed by a perimeter
barrier. All entrances and exits are guarded, and only
those persons whose duties require access and have the
appropriate security clearance are authorized to enter.
Limited Area
A limited area is one where the uncontrolled
movement of personnel permits access to classified
information. Within the area, access may be prevented
by escort and other internal controls.
The limited area is enclosed by a clearly defined
perimeter barrier. Entrances and exits are guarded or
controlled by attendants to check personal
identification. These areas also may be protected by an
automatic alarm.
Most Navy imaging facilities should be considered
at least a limited area when classified work is in
progress. All visitors must be escorted within these
spaces. When classified work is in progress, it should be
excluded from all personnel who do not have the need
to know. Even when classified work is not in progress,
it is wise to operate within your imaging facility as
though it was a limited area because there is a
considerable amount of expensive equipment