Controlled Area
A controlled area usually does not contain classified
information. It serves as a buffer zone to provide greater
administrative control, safety, and protection for the
limited or exclusion areas. These areas require
personnel identification and control systems to limit
admittance to those people having bona fide need for
access to the area
Passageways or spaces surrounding or adjacent to
limited or exclusion areas may be designated as
controlled areas.
Classified information or material must be stored
under conditions that prevent unauthorized persons
from gaining access to it. The security requirements
must allow work to be accomplished while providing
adequate security. In the Navy, the commanding officer
is directly responsible for safeguarding all classified
information within his command. He is also responsible
to ensure that classified material is stored properly when
not actually in use.
Whenever classified material is not under the
personal control and observation of an authorized
person, it must be guarded or stored in a locked security
Top Secret material is stored in a safe or safe type
of steel file container having a three-position
combination lock as approved by the General Services
Administration (GSA) or a class A vault that meets the
standards established by the Director of Naval
Intelligence. An alarm-protected area may be used to
protect Top Secret material when the responsible local
official decides that an alarm system provides protection
equal to, or better than, the safe, steel file, or vault. The
alarm-protected area provides a physical barrier that
prevents removal of the material and prevents the
material from being viewed by unauthorized personnel
and compromised.
Secret and Confidential material may be stored in
the same manner authorized for Top Secret or, in a class
B vault, a vault type of room, or a secure storage room
that has been approved according to the standards
prescribed by the Director of Naval Intelligence.
Valuables, such as money, jewels, precious metals,
narcotics, and so forth, should not be held in safes used
to store classified materials because they increase the
risk of theft. Only classified materials are to be placed
in containers designated for storage of classified
Container Designations and Combinations
Containers used for the storage of classified
material are assigned a number or symbol for
identification purposes. The identifying numbers or
symbols are located in an obvious location on the
outside of the container. Each container must also meet
the security requirements for the highest classification
of material stored in the container. However, this
designation is not marked externally on the container.
Records of combinations are sealed in envelopes
(OPNAV 5511/2) and kept by the security manager, duty
officer, communications officer, or other person(s)
designated by the commanding officer. Combinations
for containers with noncryptographic material will be
changed under any of the following conditions:
When a safe is first placed into use
When the combination or record of combinations
has been compromised or a security container is
discovered unlocked and unattended
Whenever an individual knowing the
combination is transferred or discharged, or when the
security clearance of an individual knowing the
combination is reduced, suspended, or revoked
When you are selecting new combination numbers,
multiples of 5, simple ascending or descending
numerical series, and personal data (such as birthdays
and serial numbers) must not be used. The same
combination cannot be used for more than one container.
Combinations to security containers are changed
only by persons that are cleared for the highest level of
classified material stored in the container.
When a security container is taken out of service,
built-in combination locks must be reset to the standard
combination 50-25-50. Combination padlocks must be
reset to 10-20-30.