No job is finished until the paper work is complete.
This statement holds true for all photographic jobs
completed in your imaging facility. In order for your
imaging facility to operate efficiently, you must follow
the procedures that regulate job control and other
administrative procedures within your facility. This
chapter is intended as an introduction only. A more
in-depth understanding of Navy imaging administrative
procedures are found in the Navy Visual Information
Management and Operations Manual, OPNAVINST
5290.1 (series).
The first topic discussed in this chapter is the
handling of classified material. You must learn to follow
strict guidelines when handling classified material.
There is no allowance for mistakes. Become thoroughIy
familiar with the standard operating procedures
established in your imaging facility.
Modern methods of conducting war and safe-
guarding our nation require a tremendous amount of
information. This information is stored in books and
files, it accumulates in reports, it is gathered by
intelligence activities, and it is transferred in the form of
letters, messages, photographs, and audio and video
recordings. This information is sifted and organized in
the minds of the people directing the war effort and those
keeping the peace. Much of this information is
extremely valuable to our enemies, and, therefore, must
be classified and safeguarded in the interest of national
In performing your job as a Navy Photographers
Mate, you may have access to classified information.
Therefore, you MUST become aware of the importance
of safeguarding all classified information to which you
have access.
Classification categories, procedures, and related-
security information pertaining to the Navy are con-
tained in the Department of the Navy Information and
Security Program Regulation, OPNAVINST 5510.1
(series). A copy of this regulation is available in every
Navy imaging facility where classified information is
maintained or handled. Refer to this regulation
frequently to make sure you safeguard properly
classified material. Never depend on your memory
regarding the proper disposition of classified
information, particularly if you handle it infrequently.
The purpose of the security program is to protect
classified material from unauthorized disclosure. It is
the responsibility of all military personnel to safeguard
classified information.
The Navy controls the dissemination of classified
information. Therefore, knowledge or possession of
classified information is permitted only to those persons
who actually require it in the performance of their duties.
This principle is referred to as the need to know and
is a prerequisite for access to classified information.
Access to classified material is not automatically
granted because a person has the proper clearance, holds
a particular billet, or is sufficiently senior in authority.
Access is granted only if the criteria of proper clearance
and need to know are both met.
Official material that requires protection in the
interest of national defense is categorized in three
designations. These three designations, in descending
order of importance, are Top Secret, Secret, and
Confidential. No other designation is used to classify
defense matters that require protection in the interest of
national defense.
The classification Top Secret is limited to defense
information or material that requires the highest degree
of protection. The Top Secret classification is applied
only to information or material that is paramount to
national security and the unauthorized disclosure of
which could reasonably be expected to cause
exceptionally grave damage to the national security.
Material classified as Secret is limited to defense
information or material. The unauthorized disclosure of