Figure 14-2B.OPNA V 5290/1 (Back).
next sequential job-order number taken from the
job-order log. Block 7 (description of services required)
is the most important block on the front side. This block
must describe the requirements of the requester
completely. There are times when you must ask the
requester specifically what is desired to meet the
necessary requirements. The information provided in
this block must indicate the time, equipment, and
number of personnel required to complete the
assignment. Sketches, diagrams, or other additional
information may be attached. Blocks 15, 16, and 17
indicate the quantities of materials needed by the
requester. The Remarks block may be used to indicate
whether the original film or videotape should be
provided to the requester, the file, or be forwarded to an
imaging records center.
The back of OPNAV 5290/1 (fig. 14-2B) is divided
into two sections. The top half is used to document the
production of original materials. The bottom half is used
to record processing, reproduction, and duplication.
When completing these sections of the job order, you
must provide accurate details. The data in these sections
are used to justify budget requests for the money and
personnel required to provide imaging services by the
imaging facility.
NOTE: When assigned to the job-control area, you
must be sharp and professional. The image that you
portray reflects the professionalism of your entire
imaging facility. Most customers never see the
production spaces. It is your attitude and appearance that
leaves a lasting impression on your customers.