clearly defined detail in all parts of the image from the
strongest highlights to the weakest shadows. The
contrast is satisfactory. It may not reproduce the contrast
of the original scene exactly, but it has sufficient contrast
to produce a pleasing reproduction.
When the film is overexposed and normally
developed, as in No. 8, the highlights in the image show
a loss of detail. Giving the overexposed film less than
normal development may save some highlight detail,
but it also reduces the contrast. When the overexposed
film is overdeveloped, as No. 9 was, all highlight detail
is destroyed and the contrast is also reduced.
Table 10-1 is a listing of defects that commonly
occur in film processing. The appearance, the cause, and
the remedy for each of the defects listed are also
Table 10-1.Negative Defects: Their Appearance, Cause, and Remedy
marks or
Fine black lines, usually
resembling pencil scratches
and running in the same
Friction on emulsion caused by
Great care should be
improper handling or storage. Dirt,
taken in storage of film.
or grime, in camera or magazine.
Boxes containing film
should be stored on
end, so no pressure is
exerted on the surface
of the emulsion. Care,
also, should be taken
not to rub or drag
sensitized material over
a rough surface. Be
sure camera back or
magazine is clean and
free from dirt, or grime.
Air bubbles.
An air bubble occurring
Transparent spots occurring in the
Immerse film carefully
during development shows
developer are caused by bubbles
and thoroughly in
as a small, transparent spot.
of air on the surface of the
developing and fixing
Sometimes minute dark
emulsion. These prevent the
solutions. Move film
streaks lead from the spot.
developer from coming into
during development
When the negative is rocked
contact with the emulsion.
and fixation to break up
in a tray, streaks project from
Darkened streaks are the result of
and prevent air bells.
each side of the spot in the
excess oxidation of the developer,
Water always contains
direction the tray was
caused by air in a bubble. Dark
some air and when
rocked. If the tray is rocked
spots that occur in the fixing bath
there is a rise in
in two directions, streaks
are caused by a pocket of air
temperature, air is
form a cross with a
holding the fixer away from the
expelled and gathers in
transparent spot in the center.
emulsion and allowing a slight
the form of small
In tank development. dark
continuation of development.
bubbles on the inside of
streaks usually form at the
the tank and also on the
lower edge of the transparent
surface of the film
spot. In the fixing bath they
during preliminary
show as small, round, dark
stages of development.