For example, if your ship is assigned an F/AD of III
and your requirement is of a routine nature, the priority
to be assigned would be 13.
In addition to providing standardized criteria for
assigning priorities, UMMIPS provides acceptable
maximum processing times for use by supply activities
in furnishing material. Pressing time standards and
additional codes used in MILSTRIP and UMMIPS are
included in NAVSUP P-485. Table 5-2 shows how the
F/AD, the UND, and the IPD are assigned.
There are a number of sources of information for
filling out the DD Form 1348. Several publications are
available, either in your unit or your servicing supply
department, to furnish specific procedures and notices
regarding the supply system.
Naval Supply Systems Command
Publication 437
The NAVSUP P-437 promulgates policy and
procedures relative to the Military Standard
Requisitioning and Issue Procedures and the Military
Standard Transaction Reporting and Accounting
Procedures (MILSTRIP/MILSTRAP). This
publication covers MILSTRIP/MILSTRAP relative to
supply system management, requisitioning ashore,
inventory control, financial matters, material
movement, priorities, and evaluation procedures. This
publication provides forms, formats, codes, and serves
as a comprehensive ready reference for those involved
in the preparation or processing of MILSTRIP
NAVSUP P-437 is not distributed afloat. All afloat
MILSTRIP/MILSTRAP procedures are incorporated
into the NAVSUP P-485.
(NAVSUP P-409)
Since NAVSUP P-437 is a comprehensive
publication, filling three 2-inch binders, the
is published to serve as a handy reference for originating
and processing MILSTRIP and MILSTRAP
documents. This small booklet contains those common
definitions, coding structures, and abbreviated code
definitions used on a day-to-day basis.
Fleet Use of MILSTRIP (NAVSUP P-410)
NAVSUP P-410 serves the same purpose as the
Desk Guide (NAVSUP P-409) and is designed for use
by fleet personnel. It is also used for the purpose of
indoctrination and training of fleet personnel in
Thus far, you have learned how requisitions are
prepared and submitted for routine requirements.
However, not all requisitions are routine. For some,
special handling or additional information is required.
Servmart and Seamart
SERVMART and SEAMART are convenient
sources of material that permit the use of a single money
value only (MVO) requisition to procure several stock
items. SERVMART and SEAMART are located at
most naval bases and ships, respectively. They are
arranged in a supermarket concept.
When it is appropriate to obtain material from a
SERVMART or SEAMART, an MVO, DD Form 1348,
or DD Form 1250/9-1 must be prepared. Each of the
following categories of material is listed on a separate
form when SERVMART shopping lists (SSLs) are
Consumable items
Repair parts
Each SERVMART and SEAMART prepares a
shopping guide to assist you in preparing requisitions.
The shopping guide lists all of the items that are stocked.
These guides are provided to all ships and activities in
the area.
Upon receipt of an internal request, a requisition
form is prepared to cover the monetary value, and the
original copy of DD Form 1348 is given to the person
authorized to pick up the material.
Transfers from Other Ships and Activities
Emergency requirements may be obtained from
ships other than supply ships and tenders, providing the
material is available and can be spared. The request