Figure 5-8.—DD Form 1348 (6-PT).Figure 5-9.–DD Form 1250-1 (7-PT).Under certain circumstances, requisitions may besubmitted by message or letter. Normally, requisitionsare submitted on one of the forms listed previously.To prepare and use requisition forms, you mustbecome familiar with certain terms. You must alsobecome familiar with the use of the forms in the MilitaryStandard Requisitioning and Issue Procedures(MILSTRIP) and the Uniform Material Movement andIssue Priority System (UMMIPS).MILSTRIPThe MILSTRIP system provides a "commonlanguage" for requesting and supplying material withinand among the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps,and the General Services Administration (GSA). It alsoexplains the requisition documents that can beprocessed by electronic-processing equipment andcontains all the information necessary to issue, ship, andaccount for the material requested.Some of the terms in the "common language" ofMILSTRIP are as follows:BACK ORDER. A requisition that cannot befilled by the supply activity from current stock and isbeing held until additional stock is received. When thestock is received, the issue will be made.5-12
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