Table 5-1.Part I of the Consolidated Master Cross-Reference List
Reference No.
A number, other than an activity stock number, used to identify an item of
Mfr. Code
The applicable manufacturers assigned five-digit code, as listed in the
Cataloging Handbook, H4-2.
RNVC (Reference
A code indicating whether the reference number is item-identifying or
Number Variation
requires additional data to identify the item of supply.
National Stock No.
The NSN assigned to the reference number.
Part II of the C-MCRL presents the same data in
National Item Identification Number (NIIN) sequence.
Once you have found the stock number, you are
read to requisition supplies. Most material is obtained
by requisition, but purchase is used to procure
non-standard material or to meet emergency
requirements. The simplest form of a requisition is
merely a request for material made out on the
appropriate Navy form and drawn at a naval supply
activity. If material must be obtained by open purchase
to fill specialized needs, this also is usually handled by
the local supply department or activity.
There are different computerized systems being
used at sea and on shore-based activities. The
Shipboard Uniform Automated Data Processing
System, known commonly as SUADPS, is the
supply-computerized system that is used at sea.
SUADPS is broken down into two subsystems: the
Shipboard Nontactical Automated Data Processing
Program I, or SNAP I, which is used on aircraft carriers,
and the Shipboard Nontactical Automated Data
Processing Program II, or SNAP II, which is used on
smaller ships. The Uniform Automated Processing
System, or UADPS, is the computerized-supply system
being used on shore-based activities.
There are a number of requisition forms for
ordering supplies and services. The form that you
should use to requisition materials depends on the
supply source, and it also depends on whether your local
supply system is manual or automated.
For your requisition to be processed, it must
submitted on the correct form. The following
requisition forms are the ones used most in the supply
1. DoD Single-Line Item Requisition System
Document (Manual), DD Form 1348 (6-PT). This form
is used in manual supply systems for purchasing
standard-stock items (fig. 5-8).
2. Single-Line Item Consumption/Requisition
Document (Manual), DD Form 1250-l (7-PT). This
form is used in manual supply systems for purchasing
standard-stock items (fig. 5-9).
3. NON-USN Requisition (4491), DD Form
1250-2 (7-PT). This form is used in computerized-
supply systems for purchasing open-purchase items
(fig. 5-10).
4. Requisition and Invoice/Shipping Document,
DD Form 1149 (Multiple Requests). This form is used
as a shipping and invoice document and is included with
the material being shipped. After the material is
received, the original copy must be signed and returned
to the sender (fig. 5-11).
When filling out the mechanical forms, use a
typewriter or ball-point pen. Do not use a pencil
because pencil marks smudge and cause errors during
the requisition processing. When you are preparing
requisitions, it is not necessary to space the entries
within the "tic" marks printed on the forms, but you
must get each entry inside the proper data blocks. The
communication zero (Ø) is used on MILSTRIP
requisitions to eliminate confusion between the
numeric zero and an alphabetic "O".