Figure 5-7.Columns of the Consolidated Master Cross-Reference List, part I and part II.
supply system. Part II includes supply items that are
used by all military services; therefore, many NSNs will
be identified in the C-MCRL that are not listed in the
Management List-Navy (fig. 5-7).
The information obtained in part I of the C-MCRL
is shown in table 5-1.
The Reference Number Variation Code (RNVC)
row indicates (by use of the numbers 1,2,3, and 9) those
items that require supplementary data to identify them
fully. These codes are as follows:
Code 1 NonidentifyingThe reference number
does not completely identify the item. When the
reference number is cited, it must be accompanied by
additional descriptive data, such as color, length, and
Code 2IdentifyingThe reference number in
company with the Federal Supply Code for
Manufacturers (FSCM) completely and uniquely
identifies the item of supply. Code 2 items may also
have nonidentifying reference numbers.
Code 3The reference number is a vendors
number or a Source Control Item.
Code 9This code is used to indicate (1) the
reference number is for information only and (2) the
reference number or specification is obsolete or