ELECTRONIC FLASH In still photography, a high-
voltage light source for illumination, producing a
momentary flash of light of high intensity.
ENG Electronic News Gathering. In television, the
use of a portable video camera and portable video-
cassette recorder to cover news.
ENLARGER In still photography, a photographic
projection printer.
EQUALIZER In radio and television, a piece of
equipment that alters the frequency response of an
audio signal, allowing modification of specific
portions of the overall signal. Equalization does not
eliminate frequencies totally, but it will vary their
playback levels.
ESSENTIAL AREA In television, the portion of a
visual that must include all the important
information to ensure its reception by the viewer.
EXPOSURE In still photography, a predetermined
combination of shutter speed and lens aperture that
allows light to pass through the lens and strike the
f i l m.
EXTREME CLOSE-UP (ECU) In television and
still photography, a shot where the talent or subject
practically fills the screen or frame.
EXTREME LONG SHOT (ELS) In television and
still photography, a shot that produces a very wide
field of view.
FADE In radio and television, the gradual decrease or
increase of the audio or video signal.
FEATURE NEWS News that centers on an event or
situation that stirs the emotions or imagination of an
FEATURE STORY A story that not only entertains,
but is informative because it contains all the
elements of a news story.
FHTNC Fleet Home Town News Center. Administers
the Fleet Home Town News Program.
FILE, ALIBI A public affairs office file that contains
query sheets and copies of news advisories released
to the news media. Although a separate file, the
news release file is also called an alibi file.
FILE, CLIP A public affairs office file that contains
clippings of stories that have been released and have
appeared in print.
FILE, COMMAND A public affairs office file that
contains reference material pertaining to the
command, such as the command history and
biographies of the CO, XO and C/MC.
affairs office file that contains the names, addresses
and telephone numbers of civic leaders and
community groups with which the command
maintains contact.
public affairs office file that contains all outgoing
and incoming official correspondence and memos.
affairs office file that contains a 90-day logbook or
index file of each release form mailed to the Fleet
Home Town News Center (FHTNC). For deployed
units, this file contains copies of every release form
that is part of a hold file.
FILE, FUTURE A public affairs office file that
contains a current listing of all events that have been
scheduled or planned for the future.
FILE, MATTERS PENDING A public affairs office
file that maintains notes and reminders on pending
ideas that may be useful for news releases, feature
stories, news pegs for special events and other
public affairs activities.
FILE, MEDIA RELATIONS A public affairs office
file that contains a listing of all media in the local
area and any pertinent amplifying information.
FILE, NEWS RELEASE A public affairs office file
that contains the original news releases distributed
to the media. The news release file is also called an
alibi file.
FILE, PHOTOGRAPHIC A public affairs office file
that contains photographs of the ship underway or
points of interest within a shore command. The
photographic file also contains photographs to
accompany biographies of the CO, XO and C/MC.
FILE, PROJECT A public affairs office file that
contains past, present and future public affairs
projects involving the command.
FILE, SPEECH A public affairs office file that
contains copies of all prepared speeches and other
presentations delivered by members of the
command in connection with the speakers bureau.
It also contains background materail for future
FILM A light-sensitive emulsion of silver halides
suspended in gelatin and coated on a transparent and