communications liaison officer, administrative assistant and technical informationofficer.e. Communications Officer. The base communications officer will supply thenecessary assistance needed to augment the telephone and intercommunicationssystems in the public affairs office, next of kin hotline or lounge, media informationcenter and at other appropriate locations. Where necessary he will assist the PAOin obtaining additional assistance from commercial communications organizations,such as the telephone company, and so forth. He will assist the PAO in establishingprompt and continuous communication with higher naval authority.f. Supply Officer.The base supply officer will assist the PAO with thefacilities available to his department. As specified by the PAO, he will supply tables,chairs, typewriters, clerical incidentals, cots, coffee urns and coffee, food asnecessary, dishes and implements and other items in the supply inventory which willassist the PAO in fulfilling his responsibilities in the best possible manner.g. Transportation Officer.Will provide vehicles necessary to meet thetransportation requirements of the PAO in meeting his responsibilities.h. All Base Personnel. Other personnel who may be directly or indirectlyinvolved in the disaster are reminded that the PAO is the designated releasingauthority for all information concerning the disaster. They should not engage ininterviews, volunteer information or otherwise communicate with mediarepresentatives except to provide normal courtesies, such as directions or generalinstructions. If an individual feels he is the holder of information pertinent to thedisaster, he should convey that information to the public affairs office or securityoffice for coordination and release. All personnel are further directed to cooperatein any way possible with the PAO to assist him in fulfilling his responsibilities.5. Action. This directive applies to all personnel, military and civilian, attached tothis command. Department heads are directed to bring the contents of the directiveto the attention of all their personnel and to make it a permanent part of departmentoperational disaster plans.They are further directed to effect immediate andcontinuing liaison with the PAO in order to prepare detailed lists of requirementscommensurate with his responsibilities as specified by this directive.T. E. HAWKRADM USNFigure 2-3.—Sample command public affairs disaster plan—Continued.2-12
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