From: Commanding Officer
Distribution List
Ref: (a) Department of the Navy Public Affairs Policy and Regulations
(b) Bureau of Naval Personnel Manual
1. Purpose. To promulgate policy and establish responsibilities for the efficient
handling and release of information concerning base personnel and units involved
in a disaster.
2. Policy.
a. The basic public affairs policy of the Navy as promulgated by reference (a)
is to keep the public informed of the activities of the Navy as compatible with
military security. Officers in command are responsible for the implementation of
the public affairs policies and programs of the Department of the Navy and for the
conduct of public affairs within their commands.
b. The timely release of unclassified information and other actions necessary
to keep the public informed are mandatory in the event of any naval disaster
occurring on this base.
3. Definition. Disaster in the context of this directive is considered to be any
naturally caused or man-made incident which:
a. Causes personnel casualties, whether to military or civilian personnel,
which results in death, being placed in a missing status or injuries serious enough
to require hospitalization.
b. Causes major damage or destruction to material.
c. Could become the subject of news media interest.
4. Responsibilities. In support of the information policies of this command, the
following specific responsibilities are delegated and assigned in the event of a
Figure 2-3.Sample command public affairs disaster plan.