Several administrative considerations should be
addressed when planning the public affairs response to
an adverse news situation. These considerations include
the formulation of a recall bill, checkoff lists, a
comprehensive telephone number listing, the stocking
of prepared forms and samples and personnel
Recall Bill
Maintaining an up-to-date recall bill with current
addresses and telephone numbers of your staff members
is critical to your overall chaster preparedness. Update
this list at least once per quarter. Additionally, make sure
the correct office and home telephone numbers of key
PAO staff members are included in the command duty
officer notebook or pass-down log.
Checkoff Lists
Checkoff lists can be extremely helpful in a disaster
situation. It is impossible to remember every detail when
things get confusing. These lists supplement the public
affairs staffs memory and should be as detailed as
possible. No item is too small to include. They should
not, however, be prepared for every conceivable
activity. This can lead to further work and confusion for
the staff. Checkoff lists might be prepared for the
following areas:
Physical necessities for the CIB and next of kin
Ground-rule items to be discussed with media
Experts in various activities of the command
Official reports that must be filed by the public
affairs office
Work sheets are also valuable in the handling of
public affairs in a disaster situation. A sample format for
a disaster work sheet appears in figure 2-5.
Telephone Numbers
In a disaster situation, the telephone is a major tool
for the public affairs staff. Develop a compact but
comprehensive list of the people and places you will
most certainly contact; include home and business
Give careful attention to this list to make sure it does
not become too cumbersome to be useful. Listing all the
contacts alphabetically, for instance, may prove
frustrating when a number is needed quickly and the
name is forgotten. It is better to first divide the list into
meaningful categories, which might include the
Personnel assigned to the public affairs office
News media representatives and stringers
Strategic base personnel, such as department
heads, fire chief, duty officer, officer in charge of
the guard posts, and so forth
Current Directory of Public Affairs Officers,
NAVSO P-3068
Strategic civilian agencies, such as the fire and
police departments, Red Cross and civil defense
Strategic personnel in the chain of command
between your command and the highest authority
Special local individuals, such as telephone
company representatives, who can assign radio
trucks or assist in obtaining open telephone lines
Prepared Forms and Samples
In all Navy commands there are a number of
prescribed forms necessary to obtain certain materials
or to accomplish certain tasks. In addition, you may wish
to design a number of specialized forms to facilitate
speedy action (i.e., format these documents to
fill-in-the-blanks on a word processor rather than paper
rough drafts). These might include the following:
Long distance telephone authorizations.
Blank Joint Message Forms (DD 173/2).
Query sheets for incoming queries with space for
name of caller, return number, organization
represented, specific question, time of call, and
so forth.
A fact sheet for outgoing query calls basically
designed with Who, What, When, Where, Why
and How in mind.
A sample outgoing message showing its proper
A sample request for helicopter services.
Request forms for base transportation.