q If motion or still picture show:
q Suitable films and/or slides selected
l Projectors, screen and projectionists obtained
q If silent films or slides, narrator obtained
l Supplementary fact sheets or press kits prepared for use with special
service films
q For reception, cocktail party, luncheon or dinner, preparations completed
q Guest list prepared and approved
q Invitations issued
q Participants briefed on distinguished guests
q Adequate food and beverages assured
l Waiters provided
l Seating arrangement determined, if appropriate
l Entertainers and music obtained, if appropriate
Final Arrangements
q Schedule distributed to all interested and participating offices and units
q Dress rehearsal held sufficiently in advance, if appropriate
q News media invited to witness rehearsal, if practicable
q Measures taken to correct errors noted during rehearsal
q Printed programs and maps prepared for distribution to visitors at gate
and/or parking lots, if appropriate
Billeting and Messing
q Billeting and messing officers fully briefed on requirements
l Billeting and messing provisions included in advance information given to
VIPs and news media
q Hotel reservations, if necessary, made well in advance
q Clothes pressing and shoe shine services provided, if appropriate
q Special food considerations (religious requirements)
q Preparations made for extra, unexpected guest