News photographers consulted to determine special needs
Laboratory facilities available for visiting photographers
Security escorts for photographers
Special transportation for photographers and equipment
Special briefing on pictorial possibilities for photographers
Official photographers briefed and official coverage planned
Requirements (to photo lab) for printing and developing official
Distribution list for official photographs
Radio and Television
Requirements of stations
Coverage desired
Times for airing and/or recording
Clearance for national broadcasts
Radio-television booth prepared, plus:
Background interference minimized
Wiring checked by communications officer
Sufficient power outlets provided
Replacement parts for equipment on hand
Special room selected for broadcasting when crowd noise is
Tape recorder and tapes available
Command technicians assigned as assistants
Advance radio-television announcements coordinated with news releases
Spot announcements distributed to stations
Radio-television editors of local newspapers informed of special broadcasts
Arrangements made for:
On-the-spot broadcasts of main attractions
Interviews with VIPs
Working special event into some network show
Filler material available
Information briefing in radio-television room planned
Announcer asked to check facilities beforehand
Announcer briefed on procedure in event of accident
Completed scripts approved
Arrangements made for pool, if space so requires
Broadcast media informed of band selections for clearance purposes