Figure 8-19.Newspaper nameplates.
individual elements used in ship or station
newspaper makeup.
Thus far, all the subject matter in this chapter has
dealt with the tools and materials available for
presenting the reader of a ship or station newspaper with
an attractive, interesting and convenient look at the
news. Whether you achieve the desired product will
depend on how these tools and materials are used in
assembling your newspaper.
If you are the person responsible for laying out,
making up or actually pasting up your newspaper, you
should adopt a basic typographic plan or style. First,
read all of the copy being considered for the newspaper.
Study the pictures and other artwork closely. Visualize
the news story message, or ideas, and the nature of the
artwork as a whole. Decide the relative importance of
the elements; then put the entire page together using the
individual components of newspaper makeup (fig.
Makeup creates recognition of a newspaper. A good
editor varies the makeup in each issue, so the readers are
not bored with the newspaper. On the other hand, each
page will resemble the previous editions enough so the
reader can immediately identify it.
The following components help the reader identify
a newspaper:
l Nameplate
l Flags
l Masthead
. Headlines
l Pictures
l Whites, grays and blacks
. Rules
The nameplate should be simple in design,
attractive, and in harmony with the character of the
paper. Its type should either harmonize or contrast with
the headline type. The nameplate can combine type and
artwork together. The artwork however, should not
make the nameplate jumbled and hard to read. Figure
8-19 shows several examples of nameplates.