Type also can be used effectively to relieve
grayness. To breakup gray areas in a long story, you can
set selected paragraphs in boldface type, if used
sparingly. Another method of breaking up long gray
stories is to use boldface subheads set about two points
larger than your body type size. A third method of using
type to break up grayness is to use boldface, all-cap
lead-ins. This method is particularly effective in matter
set in wider measures. In two-column matter, the first
three to five words of the paragraph containing a lead-in
can be set in boldface and all caps, and in one-column
matter, the first one to three words of the paragraph can
be set in boldface and all caps.
The paragraphs to be set in any of these boldfaced
methods should be the paragraphs that introduce anew
element into the story or ones that contain information
of more than usual interest. Two paragraphs using the
same boldfaced method should not be run side by side
because they tend to cancel each other out. Note that the
use of boldface type is not favored by the editors of
contemporary newspapers as much as by the editors
with traditional leanings. (More about traditional and
contemporary designs will be presented later in this
chapter.) Modem editors rely on the use of different
design concepts to eliminate large gray areas on their
pages and consequently have little use for boldface type,
except possibly as subheads.
Other useful devices in breaking up grayness are
initial letters (mentioned earlier in this chapter), kickers
and hammerheads (covered in Chapter 9) and
A sandwich is a device for handling reefers
(references to a related story on another page). It is a
small, sideless box made with the same rule used for
regular boxes. The reefer type in the sandwich should
be set in boldface and not be indented. No headline is
needed and it should be brief, containing not more than
two or three lines.
The sandwich should be placed about 2 1/2 inches
deep into the story. Presumably, this practice gives the
reader enough time to become interested enough in the
subject being addressed to want the related information
being offered. The use of the sandwich assumes the
reader will immediately turn to the related story, read it
and then return to the original story and continue reading
below the sandwich.
Special effects can be obtained with special art, such
as boxes and ornaments (art borders around individual
stories, announcements and ads or the entire page).
These devices are also effective gray breakers but
should be used sparingly, so their use does not create a
cluttered effect. In using boxes, you can indent a story
on all sides and use a box of white space all around the
story. You can also indent on all sides of a story and then
use a ruled box. Dingbats, once in vogue, are now
considered old-fashioned and are shunned by modem
editors. White space provides margins to frame your
page. Side margins should be the same width, but
bottom margins should be about one-fourth wider than
your top margins to give your page a lifted look White
space is also used to give breathing room around
headlines and pictures in much the same manner as
margins frame the page. However, you should make an
effort to avoid the appearance of trapped white space.
White space should run to the outside of the page.
Rules are commonly used typographic devices in
newspaper makeup. Properly used, they separate
unrelated items and unite related ones. The two types of
rules used are the column rule and the cutoff rule.
Column Rule
The column rule is a vertical, thin line that runs from
the top to the bottom of a newspaper page. Use the
column rule to separate columns of type and to separate
unrelated items, such as photographs and stories, from
the rest of the page. Part of a column can be deleted to
indicate that the items joined are related
Cutoff Rule
A cutoff rule is a horizontal, thin line that runs across
one or more columns of a newspaper page, depending
on the width of the items to be separated or united. A
cutoff rule is used to separate unrelated items, such as
boxes, photographs, multicolumn headlines and
advertisements, from the rest of the page. A cutoff rule
helps the readers eye turn the corner from where a story
ends in one column to where it begins in the next
column, except when the story wraps from the bottom
of a page. Then no cutoff rule is needed
Newspapers have other elements that usually
appear in each issue and other makeup devices that are
used to design newspaper pages. Some of these are
described in the following text.
Avoid having widows at the tops of columns. A
widow is an incomplete line, as one that ends a