are mailed, the forms are maintained for 90 days in an
alibi file and then destroyed.
On occasion, a few release forms do not get
processed and are returned to the activities that
submitted them. Along with the returned release forms
is a short explanation listing the reason(s) they were not
accepted. There are several reasons a particular release
form may not be processed. It could be that there are no
media in a particular community or area that desires the
stories. The release form might be received without the
required signatures, or there might not be enough
information with the release form to develop a
meaningful release.
You can reduce the number of nonreleased forms by
following all of the directions on the back of the NAVSO
5724/1. Check all blocks on the front of the release form
for completeness, accuracy and legibility before the
release form is mailed to the FHTNC.
Log Book/Index File
You should maintain a 90-day logbook or index file
of each release form mailed to the FHTNC. The record
should include the following information:
l Name and social security number of the
l News event
l Date mailed
By tracking your release forms in this manner, you
can work with the Center in purging release forms that
belong to an injured or deceased crew member. It is
embarrassing when a release is made on an individuals
participation in an exercise when he was discharged
months earlier. More important, the release of a story
about an individual who recently visited Sasebo,
Japan, when in fact he was hospitalized or deceased,
will cause confusion and additional grief to family
The FHTNC is an addressee on all death or serious
injury messages. Upon receiving a casualty message,
the Center immediately inputs the social security
number of the casualty into the computer system. The
computer indicates whether a news release is currently
being processed or has been mailed out on that
individual, as well as the names of the hometown media
that received it. If the release has left the Center, the
appropriate media outlets are called immediately and
requested not to run the story.
Command Releasing Authority
Each submission to the FHTNC must be authorized
for release and verified for accuracy by the submitting
command. The commands releasing authority may
be whoever the commander has designated to conduct
the fleet home town news program within his unit
(usually the PAO, but it can be a JO). The command
releasing authority prints and signs his name in block
two of the release form and indicates his duty telephone
Social Security Number
Make sure the service member understands that the
social security number listed in block 12 will not appear
on the actual news release. It is required solely to track
Good photographs enhance the potential use of
home town news releases. Either formal or informal
portraits are useful hometown news photographs. These
photographs range from the basic head and shoulders
picture (mug shot) to a shot of the individual in a
working environment. The individuals face should be
clearly identifiable in the photograph.
The FHTNC prefers at least five black-and-white
wallet-sized prints for each submission. The wallet-
sized prints will fit easily in standard business-sized
envelopes. However, if you must mail larger prints, the
FHTNC will accommodate you.
Do not send negatives to the FHTNC, as it does not
have the capability to work with them.
Most of the print media editors on-line at the
FHTNC enthusiastically request more photographs. The
Center sends out all photographs it receives, informal
or formal, as long as amplifying information
(identification of people, description of the event taking
place, etc.) is included on the back of each photograph.
Type this information on a separate piece of paper or on
a label and attach it to the photograph. Your doing this
prevents bleed-through, a common occurrence when
you write on the back of a photograph with a ball-point
pen. Put the photograph in an envelope and attach it to
the completed NAVSO 5724/1.
If you send nine or fewer release forms to the
FHTNC at one time, the command releasing authority