Figure 17-7.Hold file update message.
declaration that the hold file is current and accurate. A
hold file update message is shown in figure 17-7.
After the end of deployment story is processed, the
FHTNC retains the hold file for 30 days in an alibi file
before it is returned to the originating command. You
also may request that the Center destroy the hold file.
Consider the following scenario: Yesterday, 25
members of your command received awards for their
participation in the base Adopt-A-School Program. A
check of your files reveals that all of the awardees have
release forms on file in your office. Your unit is not
deployed and it is not scheduled to deploy for about a
year. How should you submit the release forms without
breaking the integrity of your inactive hold file?
The answer is simple at the top of each release
form, mark RUN AND RETURN before you mail
them to the FHTNC. After processing the release forms
and holding them for 30 days, the Center will return
them to you so you may keep your hold file intact.
NOTE: Make sure the information on run and
return stories is current before they are mailed to the
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: List the hints and
reminders used in connection with processing
home town news stories.
The following hints and reminders are offered as a
checklist to help you get the most out of the Fleet Home
Town News Program:
l Use only the latest edition of the Fleet Home
Town News Release Form (NAVSO 5724/1).