Figure 16-4.Three-quarter aerial bow photograph of USS Mobile Bay (CG 53) underway.
In either the upper left or upper right-hand corner of
the clip sheet, type the following information: (1) name of
the publication, (2) date of the publication and (3) the
page number in which the clip appeared. Make a notation
if the clip extended over more than one page.
Photographic File
Good photographs are always in demand. If you are
attached to a ship, you should stock 8- by 10-inch
photographs of the ship underway, such as the three-
quarter aerial bow photograph shown in figure 16-4. At a
shore command, you should have 8-by 10-inch
photographs of several points of interest.
Aircraft squadron PAOs usually have on hand
photographs of its planes in flight (fig. 16-5) along with
general scenes of squadron structures, such as hangars and
other points of interest.
In addition to photographs of hardware, you should
carry photographs to accompany the biographies in the
command file. Usually 4- by 5-inch black-and-white head
and shoulders shots will satisfy the needs of most news
media. However, you will need 8- by 10-inch black-and-
white and color photographs for magazines and media
Make sure the photographs are current. If your CO
advances from commander to captain, you must have
several copies of the new photograph on file.
Every public affairs office accumulates several
miscellaneous photographs. If you think the photographs
can be used at some point in the future, create