Figure 16-5.Aerial photograph of an EA-6B Prowler over the Olympic Mountains.
files for them. When you file photographs, file them under
general subject headings, such as Carrier Operations,
Sports and Sea Evolutions.
You cannot maintain a good photographic file
without the support of your command imaging facility.
Make sure you build a good working relationship with the
photographers mates or their civilian counterparts.
News Release File
Your news release file should contain the original
news releases distributed to the media. As you learned in
Chapter 7, a release number is normally assigned to all
outgoing stories for example, the first release of 1995
would be 1-95, the second would be 2-95, and so forth.
Start a new news release file at the beginning of each year
and file the most current release on top.
Fleet Home Town News Program File
You should maintain a 90-day log book or index file
of each release form mailed to the Fleet Home Town
News Center (FHTNC). In addition, we recommend that
you copy and file every release form that is part of a hold
file. The Fleet HomeTown News Program and the
FHTNC will be covered in Chapter 17.
Filing Tips
To help maintain your files properly, consider
practicing the following tips:
Label your file drawers neatly so its contents can
be identified quickly.
Give your files room to breath. Do not cram news
releases, photographs, and so on, into files and
risk irreparable damage.
File material in the proper folders.
File papers facing forward in chronological
order, with the latest date on top.
Use standard file fasteners, rather than staples, to
bind papers.
File papers so the edges do not protrude beyond
the edge of the folder.