commander. The rule of thumb for you to follow
is this: if the title directly precedes the persons
name, you capitalize it. However, if the title
stands alone or follows the persons name, you
use lowercase. Warfare specialties also are
lowercase, as in this example: He was
designated a naval aviator in 1973 . ...
. Lowercase educational degrees. It is a masters
degree in aeronautical engineering. Also, one
Keep your biographies to one page. If you can
reproduce a photograph of the subject on the
biography sheet, place it in the top left or right
comer of the page and wrap the text around it.
Note the month and year of the biography in the
lower right-hand comer of the page. By doing
this, you can distinguish the latest version of the
biography from previous ones.
receives a degree from or earns a degree at a
The biography ultimately belongs to the person
about whom it is written. He may have personal reasons
. Lowercase ranks unless you attach a name to
for including or excluding certain personal information,
them. One is commissioned an ensign.
so be accommodating. However, you should advise the
l Use the persons present rank when you refer to
him throughout the biography.
subject of the style of the biography in a tactful manner.
A sample flag officer biography is shown in
l Omit street addresses.
figure 16-7.
Figure 16-7.Flag officer biography.