Speech File
The speech file contains copies of all prepared
speeches and other presentations delivered by members
of the command in connection with the speakers bureau.
It also contains background material for future
speeches, such as the Navy Fact File (NAVSO P-3002)
and Navy Talking Points, a collection of authoritative
information on important Navy issues.
Future File
The future file contains a current listing of all events
that have been scheduled or planned for the future, such
as a general public visitation, change of command or
VIP visit.
Matters Pending File
The matters pending file contains notes and
reminders on pending ideas that maybe useful for news
releases, feature stories, news pegs for special events
and other public affairs activities. This file also contains
reminders on matters to be discussed at staff meetings,
conferences and consultations with the CO or XO.
Correspondence and Memos File
In many commands, all official correspondence is
filed centrally in the administration office. However,
some commands operate a decentralized filing system
with each department or office taking responsibility for
correspondence under its cognizance. Regardless of
where your public affairs correspondence is filed, you
should become familiar with the filing system. If you
need a letter or a memo from five months ago, you
should know where to find it the actual location of
the files is inconsequential.
Keep two copies of all outgoing correspondence
originated by your office and signed by the PAO file
one in the master outgoing correspondence file and the
other in the related subject or project file. If the
correspondence originates at your office, but is signed
by the CO or another officer by direction, maintain
one copy in the appropriate file.
Incoming correspondence that directly affects a
current or future project should be filed in the public
affairs office. Make a copy of all incoming
correspondence dealing with public affairs. If your files
are complete, you will encounter fewer problems later
In addition to filing correspondence properly, keep
in mind that correspondence routing and control also are
very important. Incoming correspondence and other
paperwork first goes to the PAO, who then routes it to
the appropriate staff member. If correspondence is
routed to you for action, make sure you follow
through on it without being reminded. If it is routed
to you for information purposes only, keep it moving.
Do not let correspondence gather dust in your
incoming basket!
If you pickup incoming correspondence from the
administration office or the mail room, attach a routing
slip to each individual letter/memo and place it in the
PAOs or senior journalists incoming basket as soon as
Alibi File
The alibi file contains copies of news advisories
released to the news media. A news advisory is a
shortened form of a news release intended to get the
news media to cover an event themselves. This file also
contains query sheets that document the oral release of
information. News media queries are covered later in
this chapter.
If the PAO is questioned about a news advisory or
a query sheet, he can use the alibi file to justify the action
Although a separate file, the news release file
(covered later in this section) is another type of alibi file.
Clip File
The clip file contains clippings of stories that have
been released and have appeared in print. Normally, the
public affairs office has subscriptions to all local printed
media to which material is frequently released. One of
your first tasks each morning might be to screen and clip
the daily papers for articles about your command or the
Navy. PAOs and senior journalists use these clips to
evaluate the effectiveness of public affairs programs and
to plan new ones. In addition, they can determine easily
how many news releases are being used in a week,
month or year.
Make sure each clip is cut from the source as straight
as possible, and center mount it on an 8 1/2-by 1l-inch
sheet of plain bond paper using a paper adhesive,
preferably rubber cement. Stapling or taping the clip to
the backing sheet will not give you a professional