3-28.What factor contributesto creative writing?1.Deadline pressure2.Ample time3.Subject matter4.Market varietythe most3-29.What major difference existsbetween a magazine article anda newspaper article?1.Length2.Subject matter3.Style4.Punctuation rules3-30.The adoption of magazine traitsby newspapers was influenced mostby what factor?1.Magazine competition2.Television competition3.Educational advances ofthe public4.Increased creative writingability of newspaperjournalists3-31.Which of the following magazinestyle elements are now used bynewspapers?1.Feature stories2.Glossy paper stock3.Looser deadlines4.Color pages3-32.Most major newspapers deal with thechallenge from the electronic mediain reporting timely news events inwhich of the following ways?1.They ignore, for the most part,those events reported live byradio and television2.They offer in-depth coverage(background information andlengthy analysis) of thoseevents3.They report those news eventsusing the upright pyramid style3-33.When you write a magazine article,you should use which of thefollowing formats?1.Inverted pyramid2.Upright pyramid3.The one that bestsuits the storyIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 3-34 THROUGH 3-39,SELECT FROM COLUMN B THE TYPE OF MAGAZINEARTICLE DESCRIBED IN COLUMN A.RESPONSESMAY BE USED MORE THAN ONCE.3-34.3-35.3-36.3-37.3-38.3-39.A . E S C R I P T I O NSB. TYPESIt presents an1.Personalityinside story ofsketchconditions or prob-lems normally un- 2. Personalfamiliar to theexperienceaverage reader3.ConfessionArticles of thistype often carry 4.Narrativean “as told to...”bylineIts most noticeablecharacteristic isits intimate, con-fidential tone inwhich the writerseems to be person-ally revealing asecret to the readerIt contains sharpcharacterizations,vivid descriptions,dialogue, action andsuspense to drama-tize the factsIt is a short biog-raphy that includesan individual’sachievementsThe purpose of thistype of article is toportray the intimatedetai1s of the char-acter and personalityof an individual17
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