ASSIGNMENT 3Textbook Assignment:“Writing for Magazines,” pages 4-1 through 4-11.3-1.Which of the following news mediatends to be overlooked by Navyjournalists?1.Newspapers2.Magazines3.Radio4.Television.3-2.Magazines are especially valuablefor telling the Navy’s storybecause they have which of thefollowing characteristics?1.Magazines offer a ready marketfor any subject considered2.Magazines are publishedspecifically for any audiencesegmentation one might wishto reach3.Magazines provide a marketfor stories of too narrowan interest to be publishedby newspapers4.All of the above3-3.Which of the four classes ofmagazines is the largest?1.Consumer magazines2.Business journals3.Company publications4.Service-oriented periodicals3-4.What are the two types of consumermagazines?1.Employee and sales2.Internal and commercialenterprise3.General interest and specialinterest4.Trade and technical journals3-5.Which of the following charac-teristics serve to distinguishone magazine from another?1.Style and primary subjectmatter2.Competence of the writersand lengths of articles3.Number of subjects coveredand the amount of informationpresentedIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 3-6 THROUGH 3-15,SELECT FROM COLUMN B THE CATEGORY WHICHBEST DESCRIBES THE TYPE OF MAGAZINE LISTEDIN COLUMN A.RESPONSES MAY BE USED MORETHAN ONCE.3-6.3-7.3-8.3-9.3-10.3-11.3-12.3-13.3-14.3-15.A.MAGAZINEB.CATEGORYCashflow1.GeneralMilitaryLiving2.SpecialTime3.Profes-sional orSportsIllustratedtradeGolfDigest4.CommercialEnterpriseReader’sDigestDenverLivinqMotorMaqazineEditorandPublisherLife3-16.Magazines directed at a specificgroup of readers are in which ofthe following categories?1.General interest publications2.Special interest publications3.Customer magazines4.Professional journals15
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