Learning Objective: Recognize the elements specific to
the introductory part of a speech.
An effective speech introduction should arouse the
interest of the audience (attention step), summarize in
one simple sentence what will be covered in the talk
(limited objective) and give the audience a good reason
to listen to that limited objective (motivation). Strive to
keep this part of the talk short, meaningful and
The speaker who believes that he will not have
difficulties maintaining the audiences interest is relying
on the hope that he is a novelty and that people are
breathlessly awaiting his words. It is true that, for the
first few seconds, the speaker is a novelty, and the
audience will be interested in looking him over.
However, it is the next few seconds that count, since
within this time the frost words are spoken and they must
really capture the audiences attention. The two criteria
for selecting material for your attention step are as
. Make sure your attention step is directly related
to your subject.
. Make sure your attention step is not so bizarre
that it detracts from the rest of your talk.
Outside of these considerations, the only limiting
factor for an attention step is the imagination of the
speaker. The following techniques should give you an
idea of the many ways to begin a talk.
Interesting Illustration
Actual incidents from real life, stories from
literature and hypothetical illustrations may be used as
attention steps. When used effectively, the story opening
has great appeal and is almost guaranteed to arouse and
maintain the audiences attention. For example:
During the Second World War, Fleet Admiral
Ernest J. King was asked by a group of newsmen
just what the U.S. Navys public relations policy
was. Admiral King replied: Do not tell them
anything. When it is over, tell them who won. (He
had a point and I wonder what Ernie King would
say had he heard Secretary
this morning.
I am sure many of us might sigh with relief if this
policy were current. But as you know it is not. Even
in the framework of war, such a negative policy is
not in tune with todays climate. . . .)
A quotation that leads directly to the subject
frequently can establish immediate attention. An excerpt
from a speech made by Rear Adm. Brent Baker, the
former Chief of Information, is used here as an example:
Recently, I received and read the 1990 Navy
womens study group report. Rear Admiral Bobby
Hazard, in her forwarding letter to me, said: I hope
this report will enable greater understanding of the
perceptions of Navy women and men and stimulate
even more specific actions to improve the
assimilation of women at every level of commands.
(Let me underscore the word perceptions, because
the world of public opinion or perceptions is one I
work for every day. . . .)
All of us like to laugh at a colorful anecdote. If you
can relate a humorous story, do so, but make sure you
choose it wisely for its relation to the presentation. A
funny story may be hilarious in itself; but unless it
focuses attention on the subject, it is of little value. Make
your humor relate to your subject. For example:
The title of this speech, Public Affairs and
Command, reminds me of what happened to a rear
admiral years ago when his flag was aboard the USS
Long Beach, which was finishing a tour on-the-line
off Vietnam. Long Beach was ordered to Sydney,
Australia, for four days of R&R. You may recall the
incident as Long Beach was about to depart Sydney,
when a good-looking blonde got aboard, spent the
night and apparently was about to stowaway when
she was discovered hiding under a bunk in the
admirals quarters. This incident made headlines in
Australia. And the next day, a similar story made the
front pages of the Los Angeles newspapers with the
caption reading: BLONDE FOUND UNDER
BEACH. Since the admirals family lived in nearby
Long Beach, he tells me the event caused quite an
eye-opener that morning at his house. Especially
since his wife and daughters did not know the
admiral had unexpectedly transferred his flag from
Long Beach before its arrival in Australia. Imagine
being suspect of such a happening and receiving no
benefit because one was not even there. He has since
told me, I am not sure whether I was lucky on that