Figure 8-5.-Adult viewing habits by daypart.
different dayparts, see figures 8-5 and 8-6. Since we are
working with total audience figures, we have
determined that prime time is from 1800 to 2100; during
this part of the day, an NBS detachment can reach the
greatest number of people. Prime time for the overseas
military audience is similar to that of the stateside
audience. Figure 8-6 also reveals two fringe times,
1700-1800 and 2100-2300. Fringe times are time blocks
adjacent to prime time and can be useful in making
programming decisions. According to this sample,
fringe time programming could be a late evening
newscast or talk show.
Morning, mid-day, late afternoon and late nighttime
slots are significant because during those times you can
reach very narrowly focused audience segments. (For
the purpose of this section, morning hours are
0600-1100, mid-day is 1100-1600, late afternoon is
Figure 8-6.-Juvenile viewing habits by daypart.